The brightest window|最明亮的窗户


One summer evening, I was wandering about. Suddenly, a sweet, clear voice came from behind, “...besides all these lovely animals, there is a little window for bears here, a tiny window for dogs there. What an excellent sight!”
    I turned around. It was a little boy bending over the sandy ground. The little boy was drawing something in the sand, some  lines like windows.  
  I walked towards him and asked curiously, “What are you drawing here?”
  He raised his head, wearing a pair of dark glasses. Just at the moment, I was astonished to find that his eyes were closed behind the glasses. A blind boy! I felt pity for him all of a sudden.
  “Hi, did you call me?” A sweet voice drifted out through the little boy's thin lips.
    “Yes. Why don't you go home? You see, it's getting late now.” I asked him again.
  “I want to see the sunset. Everyone says that the sunset is very beautiful. Mum always tells me that little animals can only see the sunset through windows. You see, I've drawn  windows for both animals and myself, so I can see the sunset like those lovely animals.”The little boy said happily and proudly. He seemed like a golden statue bathed in the sunset light.
  “Your name?” I asked. I had a feeling that something was about to happen.
    “Liu Xiaoyi.”
  “Liu Xiaoyi?” I felt my heart jump to my mouth. My prediction proved to be right. He was the winner of the National Children's Drawing Competition and his painting, some windows without any shape appeared in a newspaper.  
  I was silent, a sudden wave of admiration rising from the bottom of my heart. What an angel he was!  
  A moment later, an old man came and took him away.
  On my way home, the windows on the sand were still twinkling in my mind. The windows seemed like shooting stars1 passing through the dark sky. The setting sun's  light went through these windows,brightening up the two eyes behind the dark glasses.
  These “windows” are the brightest windows in the world. Eyes are the windows of one's mind, only when his eyes are full of sunshine can he find the beautiful world around him. I got refreshed while seeing the dim2 shadow of the little boy. His shadow seemed to grow bigger and brighter in the sunset. 


1. shooting star 流星
2. dim [dim]  adj. 模糊的