Are You Being Bullied at School?|你在学校受人欺吗?


What do Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Michelle Pfeifer and Phil Collins all have in common1? They were all bullied2 at school.
        If you're being bullied, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you.
  You have a right to feel safe and secure3. If you are being bullied at school, it is the school's responsibility to stop it. If you are being harassed4 or attacked outside of school, the police have a responsibility to help you.

The bully is the one with the problem
  A lot of bullies are already being bullied themselves. They feel powerless and so they look for ways to feel tough5 at school or on the street.
  Often, the bully is jealous of other kids, so he picks on6 those who are cleverer, or those kids who have cool gear7 or more money.
  Usually, bullies don't like themselves, so they take out their frustrations8 on someone else, e.g. you.

What can you do?
* Look calm and confident even when you are not! You can practice this in the bathroom mirror.
* If possible, ignore9 the bully. Bullies want a reaction—if you don't seem upset10 or angry, they'll often leave you alone11.
* Walk away. Just because a bully starts an argument doesn't mean you have to hang around12 and finish it.
* Avoid being alone. Bullies are cowards13 who only pick a fight when they know they can win. If you are with friends, they are more likely to leave you alone.

Get help!
  Tell an adult you can trust. This doesn't mean you are weak. In life you often need to get help from other people. When you have a broken leg, you get help from a doctor—it doesn't mean you are weak. If you are being bullied you also get help. Bullies want you to keep quiet. When you speak up14, you refuse to play the bully's game. Telling others about the problem is a brave move.
  Keep a diary of what is happening. When you tell a teacher, a friendly adult, or the police, you need to have the facts: when, where and what happened. Keep to15 the facts. Avoid exaggerating16. Keep telling people about the problem. If the first teacher doesn't help, tell another and another. If the first adult doesn't help, tell another. If the first policeman doesn't help, tell another. Persist17.

When you see other people being bullied
  If you do nothing, you send a message to the bully that it is OK with you. So what can you do?
  Tell the bully to stop it.
  Tell other people about it.
  Encourage the person who is being bullied to tell others about it.
  Be a friend to the person who is being bullied. It may not mean much to you, but it can mean the world18 to the person who feels scared and alone.

Brand Names
  Imagine this scene from a movie. A guy and girl are embracing19 in the moonlight.
  She says, “Brad, I have to know. Why do you love me?”
  And he says, “Because you wear Nikes.”
  How stupid is that?
  Do your friends wear “brand names” on their jeans, belts, underwear20? Maybe you think having brand names is a matter of life and death21. It isn't.
  If your friend Jim wears three hundred dollar sneakers, all it means is that his parents had a spare three hundred dollars. What does that have to do with you? Does that make Jim any better than you? No!
  There will always be people around who wear clothes, drive cars and live in houses that you can't afford. Get used to it.
  What really counts22 is who you are and what you stand for. It's what's on the inside, not what's on the outside.

In a nutshell
  If you think it really matters, then it really matters. As soon as you say, “it doesn't matter,” you can relax.









1. in common  共通,共同
2. bully   v. 威吓,欺负
3. secure   adj. 安全
4. harass  v. 骚扰
5. tough  adj. 强硬的,凶恶的
6. pick on sb.  找某人的茬儿
7. gear  n. 行头,衣着
8. frustration   n. 沮丧,失落
9. ignore   v. 忽视,不理
10. upset   adj. 心烦意乱
11. leave sb. alone    放开某人
12. hang around   逗留,闲逛
13. coward  n. 懦夫
14. speak up   说出来
15. keep to sth.  坚持
16. exaggerate  v. 夸大
17. persist   v. 坚持
18. mean the world   有重大关系
19. embrace  v. 拥抱
20. underwear  n. 内衣
21. a matter of life and death  生死攸关的事
22. count [kaunt]  v. 有价值,重要