Everyday American English|正确说美语(10)


1. Sorry, it slipped my mind.

  “我忘记了”是I forgot,美国人也常常说成It slipped my mind,字面的意义是“它从我头脑中跑掉了”,也就是“我忘记了”。
A: May I speak to Jimmy?
B: Speaking.
A:Jimmy, what are you doing there? Don't you remember we have an appointment at two here in my office?
B: I'm sorry, Paul, it slipped my mind. I'll be right over.
A: 吉米在吗?
B: 我就是。
A: 吉米,你在那里干嘛?你不记得我们约好两点在我办公室见面的吗?
B: 对不起,保罗,我忘了。我这就过去。

2. You read my mind.

A: What time is it?
B: Four-twenty.
A: How about having a drink after work?
B: You read my mind!
B: 4点20。
B: 我正想这么说呢。

3. Good point.

  想对美国人说“你说的有道理”,就是You got/made a point there,或是更强调的说法You got a good point there。也可以简单地说成Good point。
A: I never give money to bums.
B: Why not?
A: If you give them money, they may think that begging is not a bad job at all.
A: Good point.
A: 我从不给流浪汉钱。
B: 为什么呢?
A: 如果给他们钱,会让他们认为乞讨根本不是件坏事。
B: 有道理。

4. I stand by him.

  这里的stand by 是“坚持”、“继续维持(某种看法或主张)”的意思。
A: Are you going to take back what you said about her?
B: No. I stand by it, because it's true.
A: 你打算收回有关她的话吗?
B: 不,我要坚持我说过的话。因为那是事实。

5. Ditto!

  Ditto是用于表示赞同对方所说的话,也就是和Me too./ So do I. / Same here.
A: What would you like to drink, sir?
B: Scotch on the rocks, please.
A: How about you, ma'am?
C: Ditto.
A: 先生,您要喝什么呢?
B: 请给我苏格兰威士忌加冰块。
A: 夫人,您呢?
C: 我也一样。
6. Don't chicken out.

  “胆怯的人”叫做chicken, 而chicken out是“害怕”,have/get cold feet也是同样的意思。
A: I want out.
B: Don't chicken out, John.
C: John, you are the one who came up with this business idea in the first place, and now you're getting cold feet?
A: I think the timing is not right for this kind of business.
A: 我想退出。
B: 别想溜走,约翰。
C: 约翰,当初这桩生意的点子是你先想出来的,你现在害怕了吗?
A: 我觉得时机不太适合这种生意。

7. How time flies!

  我们常说“岁月如流水”,感叹时间过得很快,如同流水一般,英文的说法是How time flies (时光飞逝)!fly(飞走)比喻时间飞逝。
A: What's the date today?
B: Oct. 4.
A: Already? Halloween is just around the corner.
B: Yeah. Soon it will be Thanksgiving, Christmas and then the New Year...
A: How time flies!
A: 今天是几号?
B: 10月4日。
A: 这么快呀?万圣节快到了。
B: 可不是嘛。过不了多久就是感恩节、圣诞节,然后是新年。
A: 真是时光飞逝啊!

8. It's a bittersweet feeling.

A: Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.
B: Thank you.
A: How are you feeling about your beloved daughter going away from home?
B: It's a bittersweet feeling.
A: I'll bet.
A: 恭喜令千金结婚。
B: 谢谢你。
A: 心爱的女儿要出嫁了,心情如何啊?
B: 又高兴又舍不得。
A: 一定会的。

9. Over my dead body!

  Over my dead body! 用中文说就是“我绝不同意!”表示强烈拒绝或反对的立场。
A: We  think this country needs this new tax law. So, we're going to pass this bill despite your opposition.
B: Over my dead body!
A: 我想本地区需要新税法,因此,尽管你们反对,我们也要通过这一法案。
B: 我绝不同意!

10. It's some movie!

  some 除了有“若干”的意思之外,在这里指“了不起的”、“颇为……”可以表示真诚的赞美或讽刺之意。
A: Did you see the hit movie "Jurassic Park"?
B: No.
A: Go to see it. It's some movie!
A: 你看了热门电影《侏罗纪公园》吗?
B: 没有。
A: 去看吧。那是部了不起的电影。
