Proactive or Reactive? The choice is yours|被动还是主动?


Whenever I said something like “Dad, my girlfriend makes me so mad,” without fail3 Dad would come back with: “Now come on, son, no one can make you mad unless you let them. It's your choice. You choose to be mad.”
  Or if I said, “My new biology teacher stinks4. I'm never going to learn a thing,” Dad would say, “Why don't you go to your teacher and have a talk with him? If you don't learn biology, Sean, it's your own fault, not your teacher's.”

He never let me off the hook5. He was always challenging6 me, making sure that I never blamed someone else for the way I acted.
  You see, Dad's idea that you are responsible for your life was hard medicine for me to swallow7 as a teenager. But with hindsight8, I see the wisdom in what he was doing. He wanted me to learn that there are two types of people in this world —the proactive and the reactive—those who take responsibility for their lives and those who blame; those who make it happen and those who get happened to.
  Each day you and I have about 100 chances to choose whether to be proactive or reactive. In any given day, the whether is bad, you go to school late, your sister steals your blouse9, you lose an election10 at school, your friends talk behind your back, your parents don't let you take the car(for no reason), and you flunk11 a test. So what are you going to do about it? Are you proactive in reacting to these kinds of everyday things?
  How many times have you been driving down the road when suddenly somebody cuts in front of you, making you slam12 on your brakes13? What do you do? Do you fly off at the mouth14? Give'em the bird15? Let it ruin16 your day? Lose bladder control17?
  Or do you just let it go? Laugh about it. Move on.
  The choice is yours.
  Reactive people make choices based on impulse18. They are like a can of soda pop19. If life shakes them up a bit, the pressure builds and they suddenly explode.
  “Hey, you stupid jerk! Get out of my lane!”
  Proactive people make choices based on values. They think before they act. They recognize they can't control everything that happens to them, but they can control what they do about it. Unlike reactive people who are full of carbonation20, proactive people are like water. Shake them up all you want, take off the lid, and nothing. No fizzing21, no bubbling, no pressure. They are calm, cool, and in control.
  “I'm not going to let that guy get me upset and ruin my day.”
  A great way to understand the proactive mind-set22 is to compare proactive and reactive responses to situations that happen all the time.

无论何时,只要我说“爸,女朋友让我受不了”, 老爸必定反驳道:“好了,儿子,没有人能够让你恼火,除非你让这些事惹火自己。一切取决于你。恼不恼火也取决于你”。

  有多少次,在你全速驾驶的时候,突然有人插在你前面,逼得你不得不猛踩刹车?此时此刻,你能做什么?破口大骂吗?大喊着轰开他们吗?让这事毁了你一天吗?情绪失控、暴跳如雷吗? 还是就当这事儿没发生?一笑了之,走你的路吧。


1. proactive   adj. 主动的
2. reactive   adj. 被动的
3. without fail   无疑,必定
4. stink v. 发出臭味

5. off the hook     脱身,免于责备
6. challenge   v. 激励,激发
7. swallow   v. 咽下
8. hindsight   n. 后见之明
9. blouse [blauz]  n. 短衫
10. election   n. 选举
11. flunk   v. 不及格
12. slam   v. 猛击
13. brake [breik]  n. 刹车
14. fly off at the mouth (口)狂怒,气得大骂
15. give sb the bird  (俚)用喊声轰某人
16. ruin   v. 破坏,毁坏
17. lose bladder  (膀胱) control (口)情绪失控
18. impulse n. 冲动
19. soda pop  汽水
20. carbonation   n. 碳酸气
21. fizzy   adj. 嘶嘶的
22. mind-set  n. 心态