One breath English|一口气英语


1. Great to see you.

Great to see you.
So good to see you.
What's going on?

  What's up today?
  What are you doing?
Anything exciting?

  You look great.
  You look high-spirited.
  You look like you're ready for anything.

(1) Great to see you. 很高兴见到你。
美国人见到朋友,最常说的话就是Great to see you.这种说法很多。
Great to see you.                   = Wonderful to see you.
= Good to see you.                = Glad to see you.
= Nice to see you.                  = Pleased to see you.
(2) So good to see you. 看见你真好。
这句话是It's so good to see you的省略。so 用来将强good的语气。
(3) What's going on? 有什么新鲜事?
美国人见了面会说 What's going on? 其实不一定真的在问“有什么事?”只是在打招呼。
What's going on?= What's up? = What's happening?
(4) What's up today? 今天有什么计划?
What's up? 当成惯用语来看,意思是“发生了什么事?”加上today,意义完全不同。在此today= for today. 表示“今天有什么计划”。
(5) What are you doing? 你今天要做什么?
(6) You look great.  你看起来很棒。
根据美国人的习惯,见到朋友,就会说 You look...最常用的是You look great.
You look great.= You look cool.
(7) You look high-spirited. 你看起来精力充沛。
这句话很接近我们中国人常说的“你看起来很有精神。”这句话也可以说成You look in high spirits.
(8) You look like you're ready for anything. 你看起来已经准备好做任何事了。
美国人最喜欢说I'm ready或You're ready之类的话,因为美国人一切讲究事先准备。 这句话也可说成You look like you're ready. 或 You look like you're ready for any challenge.

2. Great class.(Ⅰ)

Great class.
Thank you, teacher.
You are the best.

  I like your class.
  I learn so much.
You can really teach.

  You're interesting.
  You make it fun.
  You're a terrific teacher.


(1) Great class.
美国人上完课后,老师教得好,学生就会称赞老师说:Great class. (好棒的一课。) 这句话源自It was a great class.
(2) Thank you, teacher.
美国学生称呼老师: Teacher.  老师。
                                        Sir.  老师。 (对男老师的尊称)
                                        Ma'am.   老师。 (对女老师的尊称)
                                        Mr. Smith.   史密斯先生。
                                        Ms. Parker.  派克小姐。 (称呼女老师,多称Ms. 较少称作Mrs. 或Miss.)
(3) You are the best.
这句话用的机会很多。还可以加强语气说成: You are the best of the best. (你是超棒的。)
(4) You can really teach.
(5) You're interesting.  你真有趣。
(6) You make it fun.
这句话字面的意思是:“你把课变得很有趣”,引申为“你上课很风趣。” 在此it是指learning。
(7) You're a terrific teacher.
这句话字面的意思是 “你是一个很棒的老师”, 即“你教得很棒。”


Student: Great class.
               Thank you, teacher.
               You are the best.
Teacher: Thanks for the compliment.

S: I like your class.
    I learn so much.
   You can really teach.
T: I do whatever I can for you.

S: You are a terrific teacher.
T: Thank you.
     I appreciate that.

3. Great class. (Ⅱ)   

You're an excellent teacher.
  Your material is great.
  Your methods are useful.

  You're never dull.
  You're full of pep.
You keep us on our toes.

  I like your teaching.
  I like your style.
You do a good job.

(1) You're an excellent teacher.
(2) Your material is great.
凡是老师选的课本或教材,都叫material或teaching material。注意:material 作“教材”解释时,是不可数名词。
(3) You're never dull.

You're never dull. = You're never boring. = You're interesting.
(4) You're full of pep.
pep [pep] n. 精力,活力
这个字来自于pepper  n. 胡椒。吃了胡椒,或闻了胡椒,都会刺激感官,就是“活力”的意思,full of pep就是“充满了活力”。
(5) You keep us on our toes.
on one's toes 可能是源自赛跑起跑时,踮着脚尖,准备听枪声,那个时候一定是“准备好了”、“有活力的”、“有警觉的”。
You keep us on our toes.的意思是“你使我们有警觉。”在此引申为“你让我们上课专心听讲。”
(6) I like your style.
(7) You do a good job.
You do a good job. 你教得真好。(语气谦卑,可用于学生对老师说。)
You're doing a great job. 你表现得很好。(适合老师对学生说。学生对老师这样说,就不太礼貌了。)