The best advice my mom ever gave me|还是妈妈说的好


We've all either handed out advice or had it handed to us in our lives. Now we know all of our readers have mothers, too! So, if we ask all of you “What's the best advice your Mother has ever given you?” What would you answer? Here are just a few of the examples... 

  Don't listen to what others say, listen to your heart and not your mind. Because the heart is your feeling and the mind is the ear.
—Ashlie, 12, Florida
  My mom once told me to always believe in yourself. Even if your chances are slim1, or everyone else doesn't believe in that, people will look up to2 you because you're sticking to3 what you believe in, and they will admire that in you. That was the best advice I ever got from my mom.
—Lorin, 12, Pennsylvania4
  Never put anything down5 in writing that you don't want everyone else to see.
—Jamie, 12, New Mexic   Not to worry about boys until I finish my education. She told me not to worry because she is always by my side.
—Charlkesha, 11, Bahamas6
  When I was in a fight with a friend she would always tell me to just ignore7 them and make new ones. Or you'll be friends again, and sometimes even “Well, if they are mean9 to you and are doing mean things to you then you don't need a friend like that! You need one like me.”
—Alisa, 11, Tennessee8
  She said ... wait  to  grow up. This helped me to have fun being a KID!!!!!!!!!!!
—Emma, 9, Ohio10
  The best advice my mom has given me is to make sure to keep your credit good. Protect your credit rating11 with your life!
—Rhe, 12, Texas
  Never go with a stranger even if they tell the best lie, like for example “Your mom told me to pick you up.” My mom gave me a secret code12 to ask people. If they know it, I can go with them because my mom gave them the secret code and they're not lying!
—Nina, 12, California
  The best advice that my mother gave me was to be independent and to believe in myself. My mother is a hero and my favorite person in the world. I love my mom she is the one who understands me the most out of everyone in the world.
—Amanda, 12, Maine
  The best advice my mother ever gave me is “Don't let other people make the choices for you.”
—Gabriela, 11, Canada
  My mom is always telling me to be independent and follow my dreams and I will live a good, happy life.
—Chris, 12, Alabama


1. slim [slim]  adj. (希望, 可能性) 微小的, 渺茫的
2. look up to  尊敬,仰望
3. stick to  坚持(真理等);坚持干(某事)
4. Pennsylvania [?謣pensil?謖veinj?藜]  n. 宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名)
5. put down  记下来

6. Bahamas   n. 巴哈马群岛
7. ignore   v. 不理
8. Tennessee   n. 田纳西州
9. mean  adj. 刻薄的
10. Ohio   n. 俄亥俄州
11. credit rating  信誉评价  
credit   n. 信用
12. secret code 密码