Everyday American English|正确说美语


1. I'm speechless!

  speech是言语或演说,所以speechless为“沉默无语的”或“说不出话的”。太高兴或者啼笑皆非,不知该说什么好时,美国人会说I'm speechless!相当于I don't know what to say。
A: I have very good news for you, Mrs. Barnes. Your son, David, has just won the piano competition.
B: Really?
A: Yes. How do you feel?
B: Oh, I'm speechless! I'm so happy, I don't know what to say.
A: 巴尼斯太太,我有个好消息要告诉你。你儿子大卫刚刚在钢琴比赛中获奖。
B: 真的吗?
A: 是的。你有什么感想?
B: 啊,我不知说什么好!我好高兴,不知该说什么。

2. Don't be a litterbug.

  在美国的公园里,常看到垃圾桶上标有Don't be a litterbug。意即“请不要乱丢垃圾。”  litterbug 是指“乱丢垃圾的人”。
A: I just saw you throw a cigarette butt and step on it.
B: I'm sorry but I couldn't find a trash can.
A: There's a trash can over there. Let's not be a litterbug.

A: 我刚才看见你丢掉烟头,然后用脚踩它。
B: 对不起,我没有看见垃圾桶。
A: 那边就有个垃圾桶。我们不要乱丢垃圾。

3. Just a trim, please.

  当你去剪发时,理发师必定会问What will it be today? 或How would you like your hair done today? 意为“你今天想剪什么样的发型?”如果你“只要修一修”就要说Just a trim, please.
A: How would you like your hair done?
B: Leave the top alone and just trim the sides.
A: All right. Would you like a styling, too?
B: Not today.
A: 您要剪什么样的发型?
B: 上面不动,旁边稍微修一修就行了。
A: 好。还要做造型吗?
B: 今天不要了。

4. He is a movie buff.

  与所谓的“迷”相对应的英文是buff。它的同义字还有maniac, addict, nut, freak等。另外fan这个字虽然够不上“迷”的程度,但也是指“喜欢某人或某事物”。
A: I'm a movie buff.
B: Are you? I'm not too crazy about movies. I'm a football maniac.
A: Who isn't?
A: 我是电影迷。
B: 喔?我对电影不太感兴趣。我是足球迷。
A: 谁又不是呢?

5. May I take tomorrow off, please?

  请假或休假一天叫take/have a day off, 也可以用特定的日子或时间代替a day。
A: May I have this afternoon off, please?
B: Why?
A: I'm not feeling very well. I have a headache.
A: Really? That's too bad. All right, you may take the rest of the day off.
A: 我今天下午可以请假吗?
B: 为什么?
A: 我身体不太舒服,头痛。
B: 这样啊?真糟糕。好,你现在就可以回去了。

6.  I'll sub for him.

    sub 是substitute(代替)的缩语,sub for... 是“代替……工作”的意思。
A: Can I help you?
B: Hi. My name is Jack. My friend Bill is sick, so I'm here to sub for him.
A: Oh, I see. It's so nice of you to fill in for Bill. I hope it's nothing serious.
B: No. A good day's rest should bring him back to work tomorrow.
A: 有什么事吗?
B: 您好,我叫杰克。我的朋友比尔病了,所以我来帮他代班。
A: 喔,我知道了。谢谢你替比尔代班,我希望他病得不严重。
B: 不严重,好好休息一天的话,明天应该能来上班。

7. It's going to be a long shot.

  long shot 原是赛马术语,是指某匹参赛的马不太可能获胜,在日常会话中引申为“没有胜算的人、事、物”。而not by a long shot则指“一点可能性也没有”。
A: Do you think Jack will get the job?
B: No, I don't. It's going to be a long shot.
A: 你觉得杰克能得到这差事吗?
B: 我看不行。可能性很小。

8. I misplaced it.

  misplace 就字面结构解释是“错放”的意思,但是在美国口语用法里,这个单词表示“不知将某物放在哪里了”。
A: Can I have your business card, please?
B: I think I gave you one yesterday.
A: I'm sorry but I misplaced it. Can I have another one, please?
B: Certainly, here you are.
A: 能给我一张您的名片吗?
B: 我好像昨天给过您了啊。
A: 对不起,我忘记将它放到哪儿了,能再给我一张吗?

B: 当然可以,给您。

9. Do you think I was born yesterday?

  born yesterday在这里并不是真的指“昨天出生”,而是“愚蠢”的意思。
A: Why don't we sign the contract, Mr. Lee?
B: No, I won't sign this.
A: What do you mean? What's wrong with this contract?
B: This  contract  is  full  of pitfalls for my company. I wasn't born yesterday, you know.
A: 在合同上签字吧,李先生。
B: 不,我不会在这个合同上签字的。
A: 你这话是什么意思?这合同有什么问题吗?
B: 这合同有很多对我们公司不利的陷阱。你真以为我那么蠢啊?

10. I'll keep my eyes open for you.

        keep one's eyes open 直译是“睁着眼睛”,是“注意、留心”或“对某事费神”的意思。
A: I'm looking for a new secretary. Don't you know of anyone to recommend?
B: Not at the moment, but I'll keep my eyes open for you.
A: Thank you.
A: 我正在找新秘书。你有什么能推荐给我的人选吗?
B: 目前没有。不过我会帮你留意的。
A: 谢谢。