Everyday American English|正确说美语(9)


1. Don't get me wrong.

  Don't get me wrong 和 Don't misunderstand me 的意思相同,都是表示“不要误会我。”类似的说法还有Don't take it the wrong way。
A: You don't trust me?
B: Don't get me wrong, I didn't say I didn't trust you. I just want you to put up collateral for the loan.
A: 你不相信我吗?
B: 别误会。我没说不相信你,我只不过要求,如果想跟我借钱的话,一定要有抵押品。

2. Give me a break.

  “饶我一次吧”的英文说法是Give me a break或Give me a chance。另外,Give me a break 不只用于求情时说,也常用于当对方过分催促或严厉指责时,以求饶的口气说“你饶了我吧。”
W: I  can't  put up with you anymore. I'm sick and tired of your drinking. I'm divorcing you!
H: Don't do that to me, honey. Give me a break, please!
妻子: 我受不了你了。我对你的酗酒已经厌烦透了。我要离婚!
丈夫: 别这样,亲爱的。请饶我一次吧!

3. I'm positive.

A: Can you do it?
B: Yes, I can.
A: Are you sure?
B: I'm positive.
A: 那件事你做得到吗?
B: 是的,我可以。
A: 你确定吗?
B: 我很肯定。

4. That's none of your business!
  这句话是在被问到不愿回答的问题时,不高兴地表示“我不愿意回答”。如果说I'd rather not say. 就是平常所说的“我不愿意说。”但如果说That's none of your business或简单地说None of your business就有责备对方“怎么问这些问题”的意思。
A: Stop bickering, will you?
B: This is none of your business.
A: 你们不要争吵了,行吗?
B: 这与你无关!

5. If only...

  If only... 为“要是……就好了”,和I wish...的用法一样。值得注意的是,If only... 或 I wish...if only 与I wish后接动词用法并不相同,表示不太可能实现的“愿望”。
A: If only I had a million dollars.
B: Why do you say that?
A: My girlfriend has dumped me because I'm a poor salaried worker.
A: 我要是有一百万美元就好了。
B: 为什么这么说呢?
A: 因为我是工薪一族,穷得叮当响,所以被女朋友甩了。

6. Period!

  period 是句子结束时用的句号。和人发生争执时,话说完后加上Period. 就是“不用多说”的意思。看到什么美好的东西而叹为观止时,加上Period就是“还需要说什么呢?”。Period的同义语还有 That's that!或That's it!
 W: I   went   to   my   class  reunion  today and I was ashamed of our cheap car. Why don't we buy a luxury car like everybody else?
 H: Will you stop complaining? We can't afford a luxury car. Period!
妻子: 今天我去参加同学会,我们的烂车让我丢尽了脸。我们为何不像别人一样买辆高级车?
丈夫: 不要发牢骚了好不好?我们买不起高级车!不用再说了!

7. That's going too far.

    所谓“过分”,就是指某事“过了头”。美国人会说That's going too far。 如果要用具体的主语来表达“你太过分了”,就是You've gone too far.或是 You're going too far。如果说的是既成事实,要用现在完成式(have/has gone too far);如果是正在发生的事实,则用现在进行式(be going too far)。与这句话同义的还有That's too much.
A: I hear that Mr. Brown is in jail. Is that true?
B: Yes, it's true. He tore up a traffic citation for jaywalking in front of the police officer who'd ticketed him.
A: He did? He's gone too far.
B: He sure has.
A: 听说布朗先生入狱了,是真的吗?
B: 是真的。他当着交通警察的面把乱穿马路的罚单撕掉了。
A: 是吗?他也太过分了。
B: 可不是。

8. You're talking over my head.

    这句话的字面意思是“你在我头上说话”,而实际的意思是“你的话很难懂”。不过You're talking over my head往往含有讽刺之意,使用时要留意。
A: Do you follow me?
B: No. You're talking over my head.
A: 你听懂我的话了吗?
B: 不,你的话太难,我听不懂。

9. Don't call me names.

        call a person names并不是“叫名字”,而是“叫绰号”或“辱骂”的意思。所以在call a person names中,应该把names当作bad names(不好的绰号),而且names是复数。
A: Can't you do this simple thing, you stupid idiot?
B: Don't call me names. I'm doing my best.
A: I'm sorry. I swear I'll never swear at you again.
B: That's all right.
A: 你这个笨蛋,这么简单的事你也做不来呀?
B: 别骂我,我在尽力而为。
A: 对不起,我发誓再也不骂你了。
B: 没关系。

10. I want to get a second opinion.

  I want to get a second opinion意思是“我要听第二个意见”,也就是我们平常说的“我想再到别处问问”。I think I'll shop around也是一样的意思。
A: You look down, Jesse. Anything wrong?
B: The doctor said I need an operation for my nose problem.
A: Really? Why don't you get a second opinion from another doctor? You may not really need the operation.
B: Yeah, you're right. I think I'll see a different doctor tomorrow.
A: 杰西,你看起来垂头丧气的样子,发生了什么事?
B: 医生说,要治我的鼻子就得动手术。
A: 真的?为何不听听其他医生的意见呢?或许不一定要动手术。
B: 嗯,你说得对,明天我就找别的医生看看。