Everyday American English|正确说美语(7)


1. You said it.

A: Bill's wife is very beautiful, but very modest and polite.
B: You are telling me.
A: I think she is too good a wife for a bum like Billy.
B: You said it.
A: 比利的妻子相当漂亮,而且谦虚有礼。
B: 可不是嘛。
A: 我觉得对游手好闲的比利来讲,她是个过分好的好妻子。
B: 你这话没错。

2. I'm pushing 40.

  这里的pushing和nearing(接近)是同一个意思。另外,表示年龄的数字后面加ish,表示“约……岁”的意思,如His father is a fiftyish businessman.(他父亲是50岁左右的商人。) 此外,被问到年龄时,如果回答I'm 16, going on 17,是“我现在16岁,就快17了”的意思。
A: May I ask how old you are?
B: I'm pushing 40. How about yourself?
A: I'm 60 something.
B: Really? You don't look it.

A: 我可以问你多大岁数了吗?
B: 快40了,你呢?
A: 我已经60出头了。
B: 真的?看不出来啊。

3. It must be in the genes.

  在这句话中,gene是“遗传基因”的意思,因此这句话可以译成“这一定是遗传基因所致”,也就是“这一定是遗传的结果”。类似的表达还有It runs in the family。意思就是“流着家族的血”或者“这是一个家族的传统”。
A: My grandfather was a pianist, and so was my great-grandfather.
B: Really? What about your father? Was he a pianist, too?
A: You guessed it right.
B: And you are studying to become a pianist, too. It must be in the genes.
A: 我的祖父是一位钢琴家,我的曾祖父也是。
B: 真的吗?那你的父亲呢?他也是钢琴家吗?
A: 你猜对了。
B: 你也在勤练琴艺想成为钢琴家。这一定是遗传的结果。

4. I have a previous engagement.
  previous engagement不是“已经订婚”的意思,而是先前(previous)已经有约(engagement)了。它和I have a date.一样,意思都是“和某人有约”。所以不能把有date的人,都当成与异性有约会,因为不论是出于社交还是为了事业,“凡是与他人见面的约定”美国人都称为date。
Tom: Jane, will you be free to have lunch with me?
Jane: Sorry. I have a previous engagement.

5. Don't stand me up.

  stand up 除了表示“站立”外,还有“使……在约定的地点站着”,也就是“对……失约”的意思。 约定见面时说Don't stand me up. 就是请求对方“别失约”。
John: Mary, I'm really sorry I missed our date the other night.
Mary: That's all right.
J: Thank you for understanding. How about a date tomorrow night, Mary?
M: You are not going to stand me up again, are you?
J: Not on your life!
约翰: 玛丽,几天前的晚上爽约,真是对不起。
玛丽: 没关系。
约翰: 谢谢你能理解,明天晚上碰头怎么样,玛丽?
玛丽: 你不会再失约吧?
约翰: 绝对不会!


6. Sorry to keep you waiting.

  “抱歉让您久等了”的正确说法应该是 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 要注意的是,在这里使用的是“现在完成时”,暗示不需要再等;如果以keep 代替have kept,即Sorry to keep you waiting,表示“事情尚未完成,仍需继续等待”。
A: Sorry to keep you waiting.
B: That's all right.
A: I'll be right with you. Probably in about five minutes.
B: Take your time. I'm in no hurry.
A: 抱歉让您久等了。
B: 没关系。
A: 我马上就到,大概还要5分钟。
B: 不急,我不赶。

7. Can't it wait?

A: George!
B: What, honey?
A: You got a minute? I want to talk to you about Mary's wedding.
B: Can't it wait, please? I'm watching a football game on TV.
A: 乔治!
B: 什么事啊,亲爱的?
A: 你有空吗?我想和你谈谈玛丽的婚礼。
B: 拜托,不能等一下吗?我正在看电视转播的足球赛。

8. Make yourself at home.

  make someone at home 也就是make someone comfortable,意思是“把某人照顾得就像在自己家里一样舒服”。
A: Hi, George. What a nice surprise! Come on in.
B: Thank you. I was just passing by and I thought I'd drop in and say hello.
A: I'm glad you stopped by. Have a seat and make yourself at home. Can I get you something?
B: Yes. I'd like a glass of ice water.
A: 嗨,乔治。见到你真是惊喜!快进来吧。
B: 谢谢。我正好路过这里。觉得应该进来问个好。
A: 你来我真高兴。坐吧,就当在自己家里。想喝点什么吗?
B: 好啊,给我一杯冰水吧。

9. We're shorthanded today.

  shorthanded是指“人手不够”而不是“手短”的意思。另外,We're short on workers与 Workers are in short supply一样,都是说“我们缺少人手”。
Customer: See how long the line is.
Clerk: We're shorthanded today, sir. Thank you for your patience.
Customer: Why don't you hire some temps?
Clerk: Good temps are in short supply.
顾客: 看这队伍排了多长。
店员: 今天我们人手不够,感谢大家的耐心。
顾客: 为什么不请些临时工?
店员: 胜任的临时工不多。

10. Excuse my appearance.

  这里appearance 是指“面貌”。因此这句话的意思是“请原谅我这个样子”,用在突然有客人来访却衣冠不整时。
A: Hello, Mrs. Chang!
B: Hi, Mrs. Rickles, what a nice surprise! Come on in.
A: Thank you.
B: Excuse my appearance. I just took a shower.
A: 您好,张太太!
B: 您好,利克斯太太,见到您真高兴!请进。
A: 谢谢。
B: 请原谅我衣冠不整。我刚洗完澡。

11. He blew his cool.

  blew是 blow 的过去式,blow one's cool是“沉不住气而发火”的意思。有时也用lose代替blew,意思是一样的。
A: President Bush blew his cool when he was heckled during a speech.
B: I'm not surprised. He's human, after all.
A: 布什总统演说时受到干扰,发了脾气。
B: 我不感到意外。毕竟他也是人嘛。

12. You can't do this to me!

  与人交往难免会有一些问题,朋友忘恩负义或做了对不起你的事情时,美语说You can't do this to me! 意思是“你不能这样对我!”通常在说了这句话以后,会接着说I'm through with you! 即“我和你绝交!”
A: I don't think I have very good chemistry with the boss.
B: Why do you say that?
A: As you know, I've been passed over for promotion again. He can't do this to me! I'm through with this lousy company!
A: 我觉得我和老板不合。
B: 你为什么这么说?
A: 你也知道,我的升迁又没下文了。他怎么能这样对我呢?我要结束和这家烂公司的关系!