Why Do People Have to Be So Mean1?|他们为何奚落我?


I know I look different from other kids. But I still meet people who think it's their duty to remind me that my appearance is unusual. Maybe they don't mean to2 hurt my feelings. But they always do.
  I have a strange illness, the left side of my body develops more slowly than the right side. My left leg is thinner, and the left side of my face looks younger than the right. I also get brown patches3 on my skin.
  I was diagnosed4 with this when I was six.
  When I was 11, one group of boys in my after-school program made fun of me.
  “Hey Two-Face!” Alex and his boys would yell whenever I walked past. They made me feel like a fool. And I didn't know how to make them stop.
  Ignoring5 them didn't work. Then one day I tried fighting back.
  “Leave me alone6,” I shouted at Alex. But that didn't work either.
  “Oooh, Two-Face is getting mad,” he said sarcastically7. “Poor little Two-Face.” Why did they have to be so mean?
  I began to dread8 going to the after-school program. But I didn't tell my mom. I told myself I could handle it by myself. They were just boys, after all.
  But one day something changed the way I felt. I was in store with Mom when she realized we forgot to get bananas, so I ran back for them. There was a man there. He was in his 40s.
  “Hi,” I said, being friendly.
  He didn't reply. He just stared9. Maybe he recognizes me from somewhere, I thought. But then I saw the look of disgust10 on his face.
  “What's wrong with you?” he asked. Then he added, “Boy, that's awful looking!”
  I was shocked to respond. I'd thought adults would be nice to me.
  As soon as I handed Mom the bananas, she knew something was wrong. Maybe I really am awful-looking. I thought the older I got, the less taunting11 I'd have to endure. But now I knew that wasn't the case.
  When we got to the car, Mom asked me what happened. This time, I told her everything.
  “ I thought I could handle it,” I said. “But now I'm not so sure.”
  At first Mom was really mad at the way I'd been treated, but when she spoke, she sounded calm and wise. “Not all adults know what they are talking about,” she explained.
   She said the best way to handle bullies12 was to stand up to13 them. “There will always be mean people around, but a lot of the time, people tease14 because they're scared by things they don't understand,” she continued. “It's your job to make them see that your disease isn't something to be afraid of.”
  I thought about Alex and his boys. I never considered him to be afraid. But I thought he obviously did need the laughter of his friends to make him feel special15. And he never bothered me when he was alone...
  “So, the next time you get teased,” Mom said, “tell them about your disease. If you can change the way they think, it might change the way they act.”
  It was hard, but the next time Alex teased me, I said, "I have an illness. It makes me look different." When the laughter died down16, I told them that there are 300, 000 cases17 in the States, that it affects people differently, and that four times as many women affected than men.
  “So,” Alex asked, “Is it contagious18?” “No, ” I said. “Actually, it's not.”
  I used the same way with other kids and the teasing almost stopped. My mom was right! Informed19 people had no reason to be mean!
  This has done wonders for my confidence. I've gotten to be friends with some of my former teasers20. One day I called out to Alex, “I think you missed a spot21.”He smiled. But not as much as I did.



1. mean   adj. 态度恶劣的;刻薄的
2. mean to  打算, 意欲
3. patch   n. 斑纹,斑点
4. diagnose   v. 诊断
5. ignore   v. 不理睬,忽视
6. leave me alone  滚开(不要你管)
7. sarcastically   adv. 讽刺地,辛辣地
8. dread =scare   v. 惧怕,担心
9. stare  v.  (at) 凝视,盯着看
10. disgust  n. 厌恶,嫌恶
11. taunt   v. 嘲弄,奚落
12. bully   n. 欺凌弱小者
13. stand up to  勇敢地抵抗
14. tease   v.  奚落,欺负
16. die down   逐渐停止,渐渐消失
17. case [keis]  n. 病例,案例
18. contagious   adj. 传染性的,会感染的
19. informed   adj. 见多识广的, 有知识的
20. teaser   n. 戏弄者
21. 此句意为:你没见我脸上的斑点吗?