Teenage Beauty|青春美无瑕


Teen girls, get out your lip pencils and take notes: You should stand out, not your makeup1. Don't worry too much about pimples2.They can always be covered up. Keep in mind that your best beauty secret weapon is your smile.
  Those are some of the beauty tips and insights3 from makeup queen Bobbi Brown in her new book, Bobbi Brown Teenage Beauty: Everything You Need to Look Pretty, Natural & Awesome. The book is all the rage4 with some teens and their moms.
  Brown, 43, who owns her own line of makeup and is beauty editor of NBC's Today Show, has three sons, ages 10, 8 and 2, but has worked with hundreds of teenage girls. She believes that teenage girls should go for a natural look when it comes to makeup, because they don't need a lot. Unlike mature5 women, they don't need foundation6 to even out their skin tones7 or lip liner to define their lips, she says.
  She thinks teens should keep it simple: a little mascara8, lip gloss9 that enhances10 the natural color, a little eye shadow, possibly a soft, creamy blush11 for the cheeks, and maybe a foundation stick to cover up blemishes12.
  They should never wear eyeliner13 to school.“ It makes you look too old,” she says. “It's fine on older teens when they're going out.”
  Teens whose parents don't want them to wear makeup might consider a clear lip balm14 or Vaseline for the lips, she says.
  Acne15 is the biggest beauty complaint16, Brown says. Some teens get a blemish and don't even want to go to school. “They think their life is over. When it comes to blemishes, I think the No.1 thing to remember is don't pick at them and don't touch them. You make it worse.”
  She recommends covering up blemishes with a foundation, which cuts down on the stops at the mirror to look at them and touch them. A tip: The foundation color should match the skin tone and not stand out by being lighter or darker or dry out the pimple so it looks flaky17.
  She also advises drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet and exercising for healthier skin.
  She suggests using a good cleanser that doesn't dry out the skin and using some blemish cream or paste18 on acne at night. If the acne is really a problem and nothing seems to help, then she advises girls to talk to their parents about seeing a dermatologist19.
  In her book, Brown encourages girls to concentrate on20 what they like about how they look and not be so critical of themselves.
  “I spend a lot of time with young girls, and I find it amazing how much energy is wasted on negative feelings about the way they look when they'll never look better in their lives.” As an adult, you look at pictures of yourself in those teenage years and realize how cute you were, Brown says.
  Many women's negative thoughts about themselves started when they were teenagers. “If you thought you had bad hair when you were a teen, you probably still obsess21 about it.”
  Some girls fret22 that their noses are too big, but Brown says most girls look good with strong noses. Those girls should focus on23 people with similar noses, including Anjelica Huston and Barbra Streisand.
  When Brown looks at people, she notices their prettiest features. She tells girls that they can't and shouldn't want to change who they are. “The minute you accept what you have and feel special for possessing those qualities, the sooner you will really feel pretty—inside and out.”
  She says, “Happiness is your best cosmetic24 for beauty, because when people are happy, they look prettier.”

     “我花很多时间与少女们相处,发现她们把好多精力浪费在消极情绪上,认为自己模样不漂亮,真叫人吃惊。而此时是她们一生中最漂亮的时期。”成年后,你端详自己青春年少时的照片,就会发现当年的自己有多可爱, 布朗说。


1. makeup   n. 化妆品
2. pimple   n. 粉刺
3. insight   n. 见解,见识
4. be all the rage 风靡一时,流行一时
5. mature   adj. 成熟的
6. foundation   n. 粉底
7. tone   n. 色调,状况
8. mascara   n. 染眉毛油
9. gloss  n. 光彩
10. enhance   v. 提高,增强
11. blush   n. 腮红
12. blemish  n. 瑕疵
13. eyeliner   n. 眼线膏
14. balm   n. 香油
15. acne   n. 痤疮,粉刺
16. complaint   n. 不满,抱怨
17. flaky   adj. 薄而易剥落的
18. paste [peist]  n. 软膏
19. dermatologist   n. 皮肤科医生
20. concentrate on   集中,全神贯注于
21. obsess   v. 使困扰,使着迷
22. fret [fret]  v. 烦恼,焦急
23. focus on  把注意力集中于
24. cosmetic   n. 化妆品