Everyday American English|正确说美语(6)


1. I'll pick up the tab.

  tab 在此指的是“账单”。所以这句话直译是“我拾起账单”,也就是“我来付账”的意思。若用check或bill代替tab,说成I'll pick up the check, 或者I'll pick up the bill,也是“我来付账”的意思。但是美国人通常习惯说I'll pick up the tab。
A: Waitress, check, please.
W: Separate checks, sir?
A: No, one check, please. ( to B ) I will pick up the tab.
B: All right, if you insist. But the next one is on me.
A: 服务生,买单。
A: 不,一起算。(对B)我来结账。
B: 如果你坚持,就依你吧。不过下次由我来付。

2. This is a cutting-edge product.

A: What's that in your shirt pocket?
B: It's a cellular phone.
A: Really? I've never seen such a small phone.
B: Well, this is a cutting-edge telephone made in Japan.
A: 你衬衫口袋里是什么东西?
B: 是手机。
A: 真的吗?我没见过这么小的手机。
B: 嗯,这是日产最新话机。

3. I'm going grocery shopping.

  我们去超市购买食物时,一般都说“去采购”,英语说法有两种:go shopping和go grocery shopping,但两种用法略有不同。go grocery shopping是指采购食品,而go shopping则是在百货公司购物。
A: Where're you going, Mrs. Chen?
B: Grocery shopping.
A: Where do you usually go grocery shopping?
B: Supermarkets.
A: 你上哪儿去,陈太太?
B: 去买菜。
A: 你通常去哪儿买菜?
B: 去超市。

4. You're pulling my leg, aren't you?

  pull one's leg并不是拉谁的腿,而是指“开玩笑”,意思与joke相同。此外,put a person on 的意思和pull one's leg一样,所以You're pulling my leg, aren't you? 也可以说 You're putting me on, aren't you?
A: You and I are now in-laws.
B: You're pulling my leg, aren't you?
A: No,  I'm  not. Your sister and my big brother have just announced that they're getting married.
A: 你我现在是亲戚了。
B: 你在开玩笑吧?
A: 不,我不是开玩笑。你姐姐和我大哥已经宣布要结婚了。

5. Am I interrupting anything?

  如果你一大早或很晚打电话给别人,最好一开头就先说Am I interrupting anything?或者说I'm sorry to call you at this early/late hour.(这么早/晚打电话给您,真是抱歉。)
A: I'm sorry to call you at this late hour, but may I speak to Mr. Lee?
B: Speaking.
A: Hi, Mr. Lee, this is John. Am I interrupting anything?
B: No, not at all.
A: 这么晚了还打电话给您,真是抱歉。李先生在吗?
B: 我就是。
A: 李先生,您好。我是约翰。我没有妨碍您吧?
B: 没有,没关系。

6. The pleasure was all mine.

    一般人都知道,当有人客气的对你说Thank you时,都是回答You are welcome。但是美国人也常说My pleasure.或The pleasure was all mine. 意思都是“不要这么说”,“哪里哪里”。
A: Thank you very much for the ride.
B: The pleasure was all mine.
A: 非常感谢你让我搭便车。
B: 哪里,不用客气。

7. Are you two related?

  related 不只是“有关系的”意思,也有“亲戚的”的意思。
A: My name is Cheng-chih Lin.
B: I am Ming-hua Lin.
C: Are you related?
B: No, we are not.
A: 我的名字是林正志。
B: 我是林明华。
C: 你们是亲戚吗?
B: 不是。

8. I can't place you.

A: Excuse me. Don't I know you?
B: I don't think so.
A: I'm sure I've met you before, but I can't place you.
A: 对不起,我是不是在哪儿见过您?
B: 应该没有吧!
A: 我肯定见过您,但想不起是在哪儿。

9. How did he strike you?

A: Is this your first time in Tokyo?
B: Yes, it is.
A: How did Tokyo strike you?
B: Well, I'm very impressed by the cleanliness of the city.
A: 第一次来东京吗?
B: 是的。
A: 您对东京的印象如何呢?
B: 嗯,干净的都市,令人印象深刻。

10. This is a little something for you.

  送礼时一般都会说“不成敬意,请您收下”。 美国人也一样,用美语来说就是:This is a little something for you.而接受礼物的人可以说Thank you very much.或 You shouldn't have done this (何必这么客气呢)。
A: Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.
B: Thank you.
A: This is a little something for your daughter.
B: Oh, thank you! You shouldn't have done this.
A: 恭喜您女儿结婚。
B: 谢谢。
A: 这点小东西送给她做贺礼。
B: 太感谢了!何必这么客气呢。

11. Let's chip in and buy him a gift.

  chip in 作为一个短语表达“凑钱、合买”的意思。
A: What's the date today?
B: June 15.
A: We almost forgot our boss' birthday.
B: Yeah. Let's chip in and buy him a present.
A: 今天几号?
B: 6月15日。
A: 差点儿把老板的生日给忘了。
B: 是啊。我们凑钱买份礼物给他吧。