Good Stress, Bad Stress|善对压力


“Stress is not necessarily a bad thing,” explains Kendrick, now a licensed1 psychotherapist2. He says stress helps you harness3 your energies and achieve goals. But what about the other kind of stress? The kind that makes you feel anxious just thinking about the chores4, homework, sports, music lessons and other responsibilities you have to juggle5?

What To Do?
  Perhaps you're worried about a family member or friend who is ill. Your mom and dad talk about how money is tight, or one of them is worried about losing a job. Any of these worries can raise the level of stress you feel personally and the stress you feel around you.
  Psychologist6 Jean Twenge points to two “fear factors” that cause the most stress in kid's lives: feeling alone and unconnected, and seeing the world as an increasingly dangerous place. World politics and family life, too, are matters that kids simply can't control.
  That anxiety can lead to lack of sleep, feelings of hopelessness7 and even illness. If you're lucky, these “fear factors” don't play a big role8 in your life. Living and growing up in a healthy way today takes more work, more personal strength and more energy than ever before.
Tools to Tame9 Bad Stress
  Psychotherapist Carleton Kendrick offers four basic strategies10 for managing the stress in everyday life.
  State the Problem:  When you feel worried, one tried-and-true11 way to begin to feel better is to make a list.
  Take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical12 line down the center of it. Label13 the left-hand column “What Bothers me.” Make a list and number each item. Then label the right-hand column “What I Am Most Afraid Will Happen Because of it” and list the feeling each item in the left-hand column gives you.   Separating the causes from the feelings helps you get to the root of what's bothering you.
  Find An Ally14:  Share your list with someone you can trust, such as a family member, teacher or school counselor15.
  Talking through what's bothering you helps you in many ways.
  You no longer have to feel alone with your problems, and the person you confides in16 may give you sympathy17, support and back you up18 as you work to battle the stress. He or she might even help you talk to your parents or teachers and set more manageable priorities19.
  Set Priorities:  Many families have a list of chores and expectations. If not, create one for the coming week that lists all that you are expected to do. Look at this list and ask yourself:  What do I have to do? (such as do homework, go to school) and What do I like to do? (sports, music, art, being with friends).
  Finally, ask: What items on this list can go? With your ally's help, talk to your parents about ways to balance the “musts” with the “likes.”
  Cool Out20:  Catching more z's21 can soothe22 stress, studies show. A Brown and Columbia universities 2002 study of 138 third graders showed that kids who get at least 10 hours of sleep deal better with everyday problems. A National Sleep Foundation report points out that teens, too, need more rest: Lack of sleep can harm their emotional well-being and make them less able to handle stress.
  Exercise and a healthy diet build stronger bodies and stress-resistance, too. Stay in shape!
  Don't think dealing with stress is easy, or that experts expect you to master your stress after reading this article.
  “Talking about what bothers you, and trying to take action to change it takes courage,” admits Kendrick. “But believe me, you'll be doing yourself and your family a big favor. Your ability to be honest clears the way for your parents to help you to be a happier, less stressed family.” 





1. licensed   adj. 有执照的
2. psychotherapist   n. 心理治疗师
3. harness   v. 利用
4. chore   n. 日常事物(尤其是家务)
5. juggle  v. 同时应付(几件事)
6. psychologist   n. 心理学家
7. hopelessness   n. 绝望
8. to play a role  起作用
9. tame [teim]  v. 驯服,制伏
10. strategy   n. 策略
11. tried-and-true  adj. 屡试不爽的
12. vertical   adj. 垂直的
13. label  v. 标记

14. ally   n. 同盟,伙伴
15. counselor   n. 辅导员,教导员
16. to confide in sb   相信某人,跟某人交心
17. sympathy  n. 同情
18. to back sb up  支持
19. priority   n. 重点,优先
20. to cool out  放松
21. to catch some z's   (口)睡会儿觉
22. soothe  v. 缓解