

How those ancient Romans hated Cleopatra, the woman from the falling East, bent on1  taking over2  the Roman Empire and becoming ruler of the world.
  Truth be told, Cleopatra really was bent on taking over the Roman Empire and becoming ruler of the Mediterranean world. Or, at least, co-ruler with Julius Caesar or Marc Antony. She almost made it, too. She was a tough lady with a driving ambition, a first-rate intelligence and lots of money. These were all a woman needed in the first century BC to make her way in the world.
  Cleopatra was a member of the Ptolemy dynasty, a family that took control of Egypt around 300 BC. The Ptolemys' blood was Macedonian Greek, so Cleopatra thought of herself as essentially Greek.  Born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 69 BC, she grew up surrounded by wealth and privilege. As a child, she learned that she was a goddess, worthy of worship. Such information surely builds up a child's confidence. But it can also ruin the child, causing laziness and self-importance. Cleopatra avoided those traps.
  At the age of 18, in 51 BC, Cleopatra became queen of her kingdom and she soon showed her talent for ruling. She was the first member of the Ptolemy dynasty to make it a point to learn the Egyptian language, which endeared herself to the peasants working in the fields. And she was as tough as a crocodile. She was perfectly willing to kill her brothers and sisters, and others, if she decided that such actions were in the best interest of the state. In those days, one should be capable of murder to be the ruler.
  As queen of Egypt she had power and treasure, but she wanted even more. She wanted greater territory. She wanted to make herself and her land as rich and glorious3  as possible. To do this, she knew she needed to cooperate with the Roman Empire.
  Rome, 1200 miles west of Egypt and a military power, ruled the Mediterranean region. Romans loved and needed what Egypt produced —grain, clothing, papyrus4 , linens5 , perfumes. Though Egypt was an independent country, her rulers knew that they lived under the watchful eyes of the empire-builders to the west.
  Julius Caesar, consul6  of Rome, arrived in Alexandria on a business trip in 48 B.C. Fifty-two years old, he was at the peak of his life. This greatest man Rome ever produced was also one of history's greatest statesmen. He was a leader loved by his troops, a scholar with a real talent for writing history. He was busy in these years with a great ambition: he wanted a civil war to reform Rome.
  He needed money. One reason he came to Egypt was in search of cash to support the reform. As it happened7 ,Cleopatra needed his immediate help. She had lost her throne, and she wanted Caesar's help to get her place back.
  There she stood, in her palace. The noble Roman set his eyes upon the goddess queen.
  We don't actually know what she looked like. She may have had dark hair and olive8  skin. Her voice was said to be lovely and musical. She knew pretty well how to use makeup and clothing, and with courage and wit she was intelligent and charming. She was really something special, or Caesar would not be fascinated9  at the first sight.   Caesar stayed with Cleopatra in Egypt for eight months. They discussed the triumphs that those years might hold. His main reason for stay was to help Cleopatra strengthen her power, so that she could be his strong ally10  in coming years.
  Caesar eventually returned to Italy, with Cleopatra following later. Caesar allowed himself to be named dictator11, possibly because he saw no other way to control a disordered government. Thinking that he was to name himself king, Caesar's enemies murdered him in 44 B.C. in the Senate chamber 12.
   Cleopatra had no choice but to leave Rome for Egypt. Her partnership with the ruler of the Western world was so ended.
  With her hopes seriously damaged, what was next for Cleopatra? Marc Antony was next.
  Antony was a friend of Caesar's, a consul and general, an extremely powerful man. He was the man Cleopatra decided who could help her achieve big things on the world stage. They became partners in 41 B.C. 
  Several years later, a fight to rule the Roman Empire eventually came. Antony and Cleopatra were on one side, and on the other side, a young aristocrat named Octavian. He was the adopted son of Julius Caesar, who would later take the title Augustus Caesar.
  Octavian believed that the Roman Empire should be ruled by Romans, or by a Roman —that was him. Antony, strongly influenced by Cleopatra, felt that the empire should be led by a Roman / Greek partnership— Antony would have final responsibility for major decisions, with Cleopatra as co-ruler; Cleopatra would possess vast territories and power in the East, and she would be able to give her position to her heirs13 , including Caesarion, her son with Julius Caesar.
  A great many Romans felt threatened by Cleopatra. Romans and Greeks were none too fond of each other, and now the Romans feared that a Greek queen might rule them.
  On September 2, 31 B.C., at Actium in Greece, Octavian's troops battled the forces of Antony and Cleopatra. The ill-fated lovers were defeated and fled to Egypt.
  Octavian soon closed in14  on Alexandri a. Believing mistakenly that Cleopatra had killed herself, Antony attempted to kill himself with his sword. He was carried to Cleopatra and died in her arms. Soon the queen was captured. Octavian decided she was better off15  dead. He allowed her to kill herself, possibly with the bite of an Egyptian cobra16.
  The 1963 film Cleopatra, in its last minute or two, perhaps captures the grandeur17  of the actual death scene. In the dim and flickering18  candlelight, the late queen lies in the splendid dress of the pharaohs19, woven into 3000 years of history. Her royal ladies-in-waiting20  are dead or dying by her side, and Roman soldiers stare with dread and respect at the most fabled21  woman of the age.
  History goes on its course. Octavian had the young Caesarion killed, and soon returned in triumph to Rome. He took Egypt as his personal fiefdom22, and he ruled the Roman Empire brilliantly for more than 40 years.

  位于埃及以西1200英里的罗马,统驭着地中海,军威极盛。埃及的物产—— 谷物、织品、纸草、亚麻、香料是罗马人的珍爱和必需。尽管埃及是个独立国家,但是她的统治者们深知,他们生活在西部那个帝国缔造者的虎视眈眈之下。
  公元前48年,罗马执政官朱里乌斯·凯撒随商队来到亚历山大。52岁的凯撒正值年富力强之时,这个罗马有史以来最杰出的人物,也是历史上最伟大的政治家之一。他是深孚众望的军事领袖,又是才华横溢的历史学家。这些年来他一直致力于他的雄心壮志 ——发起一场内战以实现罗马的改革。
  安东尼是凯撒的朋友、执政官和将军,一位强力人物。克莉奥培特拉选中他助其在世界舞台上成就一番事业。公元前41年他们结盟。 几年后,罗马帝国控制权的争夺战终于爆发。安东尼与克莉奥培特拉为同一阵营,敌对方是青年贵族屋大维,凯撒的养子,史称奥古斯都大帝。


  1. be bent on 专心于
  2. take over 占领;接管
  3. glorious  a. 显赫的,光荣的
  4. papyrus  n. 草制成的纸
  5. linen  n. 亚麻(制品)
  6. consul  n. 执政官
  7. as it happens 恰好;碰巧
  8. olive  a. 橄榄色的
  9. fascinate  v. 使着迷 ] n. 同盟
11.dictator n. 独裁者
12.Senate chamber 元老院大厅
  13.heir  n. 继承人;后嗣
  14.close in 包围

15.better off 相当于had better
16.cobra  n. 眼镜蛇
17.grandeur n. 宏伟;壮观;高贵
18.flicker  vi. 闪动
19.Pharaoh  n. 法老(古埃及君主称号)
20.lady-in-waiting 伺女,宫女
21.fabled  a. 传说的,神话的
22.fiefdom  n. 封地