Japan's Princess Masako: A Change for Life|日本皇太子妃雅


Many things about Crown Princess1 Masako are unusual, especially for a Japanese woman. The daughter of one of that country's top diplomats2, Hisashi Owada, she was born in Tokyo on December 9, 1963, but would grow up in cities around the world, wherever her father was posted. Along with her twin3 sisters, she attended kindergarten in Moscow, elementary4 school in New York and Tokyo, and high school in Boston. After earning a degree in economics5 from Harvard, Masako went back to Tokyo for law school, and later to Oxford for special training in diplomacy6.
 Bright, charming, and skilled at picking up foreign languages (she speaks fluent Japanese, English, French, German, and a bit of others), Masako adapted7 easily wherever she went. She appeared equally at ease8 playing on a softball9 field in the U.S, or chatting with heads of state at a formal embassy10 reception in Europe. Romantic11 legend has it that Crown Prince Naruhito fell in love at first sight, after spying the attractive young beauty at a tennis party back in 1986.
 They dated briefly at the time, but five more years would pass before Naruhito would begin to pursue12 Masako seriously. In the meantime, the prince courted numerous13 women in an attempt to find the perfect princess. Though under great pressure from both his family and the public to settle down, Naruhito seemed determined to marry for love.
 Masako, meanwhile, was busy preparing for her position as a diplomat. In April 1987, she entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then, in 1990, after completing her advanced training at Oxford, she took on a post in the North American Affairs Bureau14 of the ministry, where she specialized in negotiating15 sensitive16 trade agreements with the United States.
 When Haruhito did come calling again, Masako had some doubts. Already on the fast track at a job she loved, friends disclose that she worried about her ability to adapt to life inside the royal17 family—one of the most conservative18 institutions in a conventional19 country. After months of phone calls and secret meetings (reportedly three proposals20), Masako's strong sense of patriotic21 duty and growing love for the Crown Prince convinced22 her to say yes. The engagement23 was announced to a delighted public in January 1993.
 From the beginning, it hasn't been easy for Masako. Her very first official appearance as royal fiancée24 is a case in point. To Western observers25, including reporters from the Washington Post, she appeared “shy and deferential26,” as she answered questions in a soft voice with her head bowed27. But to many older Japanese she seemed shockingly shameless when she expressed her own opinions and spoke for seven seconds longer than her future husband.
 On June 9, 1993, Masako and Naruhito exchanged28 their vows29 in a strictly traditional30 wedding ceremony31 that has remained mostly unchanged for a thousand years. The groom32 was striking in a fine dark kimono33, but the bride34 appeared truly splendid in an extraordinary $300,000 costume35. It was sewn in the style of an 8th-century kimono from 12 layers36 of lavishly37 decorated38 blue silk. Weighing at least 30 pounds, Masako's dress may have accidentally symbolized39 weight of the lifestyle40 that was about to rest on her shoulders.
 Many Japanese women who had followed the long courtship were surprised and even disappointed. They had admired her independence and the expectation she stood for to change the traditional status of women in Japanese society. They still believed that her presence in the royal family would be an opportunity41 for more progressive changes within the rigid42 Imperial43 Palace. However, these hopes seem to have met with few encouraging signs from the Crown Princess. The outgoing woman-of-the-world almost vanished44 and in her place an obedient45 young princess. She appeared to accept willingly a tradition in which women are only occasionally46 seen— walking two paces47 behind their husbands—and even more rarely heard.
 The most crucial48 requirement of Masako's new position was clear: she was expected to produce an heir49 to the 2600-year-old throne50. But, as over eight years passed with no royal birth, the Japanese people began to worry. Their concerns51 grew after the crown princess suffered a much-publicized miscarriage52 in 1999. It was blamed on the pressure caused by her responsibilities53 and intense54 media55 interest in her pregnancy56.
 Then, this past December 1, just over a week before her 38th birthday, Crown Princes Masako gave birth to a healthy baby. There was only one problem. The newborn was a girl, and only males are permitted to receive the Chrysanthemum57 throne. And since the crown prince's only brother, Prince Akishino, also has no sons (he's the father of two girls), the only hope for the future of the world's oldest monarchy58 may be a change in the laws regarding succession59.
 Shortly after three years of marriage, she appeared to show some frustration60 with her situation when she admitted in a rare press conference: “At times I experience hardship in trying to find the proper point of balance between traditional things and my own personality.” Nevertheless, she found time for recreation61: playing tennis, practicing flute62, biking, and cooking dinner for her husband. Although the woman she once was is far behind her, she still keeps in touch with old friends through e-mails, and makes visits in disguise63 to her parents' home in a rich Tokyo suburb64.



  1993年6月9日,雅子和德仁在一个绝对传统、历经千年而几乎一成不变的婚礼上宣誓相互忠诚。新郎身着一件精美的深色和服,引人注目;而新娘看上去真可谓光彩四射:她穿的一套价值30万美元的特别礼服,是根据8世纪的一种和服式样、用12层装饰华美的蓝色丝绸缝制而成。这套至少重30 磅的和服也许无意中象征着那即将落到雅子肩上的生活方式是沉重的。


57. chrysanthemum n. 菊花 (日本天皇的象征)
58. monarchy  n. 君主制,帝制
59. succession  n. 继承,连续
60. frustration  n. 挫败, 挫折
61. recreation  n. 消遣, 娱乐
62. flute n. 长笛
63. disguise  n. 伪装
64. suburb  n. 市郊, 郊区