Marilyn Monroe: Candle in the Wind|玛丽莲·梦露:风中之烛


Nearly 40 years after her death, Marilyn Monroe remains the world's most famous blonde1. Though she made just 30 movies in 15 years, she is the subject of more than 50 books, far more than any other screen star. And there has been no one like her—beautiful, sexual, and at the same time, vulnerable. This made her famous, and this brought her trouble. Even reaching amazing heights, Marilyn Monroe would find no lasting comfort or joy from either her career or her relationships. This was the tragedy2 of her brief life.
  We know the many sad details—the suicide attempts, drug addiction, the affairs and failed marriages, the damaging relationships. This is a story of a poor kid who made it in Hollywood and delightedly captured3 the world, who seemed to have it all but couldn't find happiness.  
  The girl was born out of wedlock on June 1, 1926, in a Los Angeles hospital. She was named Norma Jean Mortenson. Shortly after Norma Jean's birth, her father sent her to a foster4 family.
  On June 19, 1942, three weeks after her 16th birthday, Norma Jean married James Dougherty, a 21-year-old neighbor.
  When Dougherty left in 1944, Norma Jean got a job in an army factory. One day an army photographer5 took some pictures of her. The results were so good that within months she quit her job to become a professional6 photographer's model. The 5′5" woman with a beautiful figure and dark hair became a blonde. She posed in swimsuits and shorts for hundreds of calendars7, ads, and magazines.
  Not surprisingly, living so near Hollywood, the model dreamed of becoming an actress. In 1946, Norma Jean divorced8 Dougherty and won a one-year contract9 with 20th Century Fox studio. She also found herself a new name: Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was suggested after 1920's musical star Marilyn Miller, and Monroe was the surname of Norman Jean's grandmother.
  Young as she was, Marilyn had a practical understanding about the value of people who could give her powerful help. Like many young film stars of that time, she approached10 the men who could help her get work. Her most important supporter was Johnny Hyde, who truly loved her. He won her the small but memorable roles that really got her noticed —1950's The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve. Fox gave her a seven-year contract, speeded up its publicity machine, and by 1953 everybody knew her name. That year brought starring roles in Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and How to Marry a Millionaire. The three movies were all box-office success.
  The darker pattern of her life, however, had already been established11. Never self-confident12, she had to use drugs for help during film shoots. Still, her anxiety13 was sometimes so intense14 she would vomit15 between scenes. One had to wonder why Marilyn kept on putting herself through the pain. The answer was that her drive to be effective on screen was as strong as her fear. There were also physical disorders16. Gradually she came to depend on a diet of pills to kill pains, to calm and excite herself.
  In 1952 Marilyn began dating the country's most beloved sports hero, Joe DiMaggio, and on January 14, 1954, they married. But the brown wool suit Marilyn wore at her wedding lasted much longer than the 286-day marriage. At 39, Joe wanted a home and family and had hoped that the 27-year-old blonde star, voted by Photoplay magazine as Most Popular Actress in 1953, would quit her career to be a housewife.
  It made both of them unhappy when Marilyn left Joe in Japan, on their honeymoon, to entertain17 troops in Korea. The marriage turned into one long quarrel about their totally different needs. The filming of one of Marilyn's most famous screen moments—the waving skirt scene in The Seven Year Itch18—was the last strike to the family. A jealous19 Joe watched in violent anger as his wife's skirt flew up again and again, showing her panties20 to hundreds of joyful onlookers. That night the couple fought bitterly, and within weeks Marilyn got a divorce, on October 27, 1954.
   In 1956, after she made her finest performance in Bus Stop in 1955, Marilyn surprised everyone with her marriage to respectable playwright21 Arthur Miller. Because of him, Marilyn became a believer of Judaism22. Many people thought the match between “the beauty and the brain” was quite unreasonable, but Marilyn argued that if she was nothing but a stupid blonde, he wouldn't have married her.
  During her marriage to Miller, she made Some Like It Hot, her most successful film ever. She miscarried23 twice. Marilyn always claimed24 she wanted a child, but when she was pregnant, she would not or could not stop drinking or taking pills.
  In April 1962 she began work on Something's Got to Give. She looked slim25 and beautiful, but old problems had returned. She drank and used drugs. She would be hours late for filming or disappear altogether, showing up26 for 12 of 31 shooting days. She was often absent because of “illness”. On May 19th, Marilyn, who was “ill”, appeared in New York for President Kennedy's 45th birthday party. It is generally believed today that Marilyn and JFK had an affair over several years. Shortly after her 36th birthday, Marilyn was fired from the film and Something stopped production. The film was never finished.
  The former pinup27 girl felt she was getting old by Hollywood standards, and was dealing with increasing pressures28. Her many biographers29 present different stories about the last two months of her life.
  Whatever Marilyn was experiencing, the unchangeable fact is that on August 5, 1962, she was dead. The official report was “probable suicide30.” But from the start, things like her missing phone lists and diary, and changing accounts31 by those who found her, have fueled suspicions32 that continue to this day.
  Was her death an intentional33 suicide, an accidental overdose34, or even a murder?Again there are biographers to support every theory35. As recently as 1992 there was an unsuccessful attempt to find out the truth of her death. It seems that we may never know the “last word” on Marilyn Monroe.
  Yet as one of her friends and co-stars once said, “Some people, when they go, they go forever. Some people, you think about. And Marilyn was one of those who lingers36.”

  然而在日本度蜜月期间,玛丽莲却离开乔去韩国慰问美军,这弄得两人都不愉快。由于生活理想悬殊,这桩婚姻演变为漫长的争吵,而玛丽莲所拍的最著名的银幕镜头之一 ——《七年之痒》里裙裾飘飘的形象成为这个家庭最后的一击。眼见妻子的裙裾一次又一次地飘起,内裤被成百上千名乐呵呵的看客一览无余,妒火中烧的乔火冒三丈。当天夜里这对冤家大打出手,几个星期后,1954年的10月27日玛丽莲离了婚。



1. blonde  n. 金发碧眼的女人
2. tragedy   n. 悲剧
3. capture   v. 俘获, 捕获
4. foster  n. 抚养
5. photographer   n. 摄影师
6. professional  adj. 专业的, 职业的
7. pose   v. 摆姿势
  calendar   n. 日历
8. divorce   v. 使离婚
9. contract   n. 合同
10. approach v. 接近
11. establish   v. 建立
12. confident   adj. 自信的
13. anxiety    n. 忧虑
14. intense  adj. 强烈的
15. vomit   v. 呕吐
16. disorder   n. 杂乱, 混乱
17. entertain   v. 款待
18. itch  n. 发痒
19. jealous  adj. 妒忌的
20. panties  n. (女式)短裤
21. playwright  n. 剧作家
22. Judaism  n. 犹太教
23. miscarry   v. 流产
24. claim [kleim] v. (根据权利)要求
25. slim [slim] adj. 苗条的
26. show up  出现,到场

27. pinup  adj. 钉在墙上的, 受欢迎的
28. pressure  n. 压, 压力
29. biographer   n. 传记作者
30. suicide   n. 自杀
31. account   n. 陈述
32. suspicion n. 怀疑
33. intentional  adj. 有意图的
34. overdose   n. 服药过多
35. theory   n. 理论
36. linger  v. 逗留,经久不消