Stand up for |挺身而出为正义


I have always felt sorry for those who sit alone at lunch, or are teased1 by the “popular” kids. I don't think there is a good reason for making someone feel uncomfortable or hurting someone's feelings. People were created to make a difference2, not to be treated like dirt.
  It was a couple of weeks ago that I really learned how awful some people are. There was a new girl in school, her name was Sarah. The only reason I knew that was because the teacher introduced her to the class. Right away, I heard snickers3. Sarah was dressed like a “nerd.”4 She had glasses with a piece of masking tape and was wearing suspenders5, big whoop6! I know she heard the laughter because her face turned bright red. I could tell that the girls in back were thinking about more nasty7 things to say.
  At lunch, she sat by herself. I heard laughing behind me and saw some girls pointing. I felt really sorry for Sarah, but I decided to let it go. The next day, she sat next to me in social studies. I heard giggles again and more whispering, yet for some reason, I didn't do anything. I didn't tease with the other kids, but I didn't do anything to stop it either.
  At lunch, once again, she sat by herself. As I looked over at her, a sharp pain ran through me. I knew I should have done something, but I didn't, even when a “popular” girl spilled8 juice on her, on purpose!
  On Wednesday, I finally had enough. Sarah was sitting in the library at a table and a girl said to her, “You don't belong here. You'll never be cool, you're a loser.” I saw tears in Sarah's eyes as Kate walked away laughing with her friends. I stood up, sick and tired of all the teasing and said, “Actually, Kate, I don't think so. Picking on9 other people is really immature10. You don't see Sarah walking around making fun of other people.” I walked over and plopped myself into the seat next to Sarah11. Then, I introduced myself. She whispered in her quiet, quaint12 voice, “I'm Sarah, thank you so much.”
  Sarah and I have become really good friends. I brought her out of her shell13, and I learned a lot about her. It turned out we shared a lot of the same interests. I learned a lot that year about the real world, and myself more than I could ever be taught. Even if you're trying to impress your friends or trying to move up the “social ladder,”14 hurting someone's feelings isn't worth it. I stood up for what was right, even though I was standing alone.


1. tease  v.取笑,戏弄
2. make a difference 使不同,有差异
3. snicker  n.窃笑,暗笑
4. nerd n.(贬)呆笨的人
5. suspender  n.(常pl.)(裤子的)背带
6. whoop  n.高喊,高叫
7. nasty  adj.卑鄙的
8. spill [spil] v.使溢出,使溅出
9. pick on 不断地挑剔或责骂
10.immature  adj.不成熟的,不慎重的
12.quaint adj.奇妙的,古雅的
13.bring sb. out of his(her) shell 使某人不再缄默,使某人开始活跃 move up the social ladder 爬到社会的上层,飞黄腾达