Sassy1 Girls or Role Models?|野蛮女友还是女中楷模?


  Move over, Batman. Get out of the way, Superman. Now a new group of women superheroes and action heroes are coming your way—and they are here to stay. But are they really the heroes we want representing2 us?
1. Charlie's Angels3
  Charlie's Angels are three female secret agents4 who work for their boss, Charlie. Their job includes saving the world and rescuing Charlie when he's in trouble.
  Two thumbs5 up: These three women fight with intelligence6 and physical strength to overcome evil. They work together as a team and stick together as friends. Also, with so much pressure, especially by the media7, for women to be thin, it's nice to see women who like to eat and eat whatever they want—but maybe even they could have made better choices than greasy8 fast food. How fast can you move with a box of fries9 in your stomach?!
  Two thumbs down: The “Angels” are constantly10 filmed doing sexual poses11, rather than working as a powerful crime12-fighting trio13. Why do they all have to look sexy to fight crime?

2. Leading Women of Crouching14 Tiger, Hidden Dragon15
  Yu and Bai are strong, independent, and stand up for themselves!
  Two thumbs up: They throw the standard tale of a woman getting rescued by her “knight16 in shining armor17” out the window—they are their own knights!
  Two thumbs down: The bandit18 scene. We're tired of seeing strong women fall head over heels for19 “bad boys”!

3. Hermione from Harry Potter
  The only female hero in the popular Harry Potter books and movie. Hermione Granger uses her booksmarts20 to help Harry and Ron save the day21.
  Two thumbs up: She is smart and not afraid to say what she thinks—even when the guys disagree with her.
  Two thumbs down: The boys think that Hermione is annoying22 and uptight just because she is the smartest person in their school. Why doesn't anybody think that Harry is a goody-goody23 when he gets good grades? And why is Hermione the only awesome24 girl in the series25? Wouldn't it be great if there were as many girl heroines26 and main characters as there are boys?

4. Mulan
  Mulan, the superhero in the Disney movie set in ancient27 China, is a teenager28 who speaks her mind—unlike the other girls around her. One day, the Mongolian Huns29 invade30 China. Mulan takes matters into her own hands and dresses up as a male warrior31 so she can help out and fight, because only guys32 were allowed to go to war!
  Two thumbs up: We love this story because it fights all stereotypes of women being afraid to get dirty and physically fight for what they believe in. Mulan also stands out from the white female heroes that we usually see. Strong women are everywhere and they're all different!
  Two thumbs down: We don't want to change anything about Mulan—yeah, Mulan!

5. Lara Croft from Tomb Raider
  Lara Croft is a fearless, smart, and strong adventurer.
  Two thumbs up: She saves the world using her physical strength and intelligence.
  Two thumbs down: Croft's body is so unrealistic33 that even Angelina Jolie's body wasn't good enough to play her—she had to stuff34 her bra35 for the film! Even though Croft is strong and smart, the movie focuses36 not on her strength or mind, but on her sexuality37. She spends more time flirting38 and taking steamy showers than she does fighting evildoers39!

6. The Women of X-Men
  In the movie X-Men, Jean Grey, Rogue, and Storm, fight evil with the guys.
  Two thumbs up: The female characters are equally as powerful as the men.
  Two thumbs down: Even though the women are equal to the men in X-Men, the title X-Men only represents the men in this film. All of the X-Men are portrayed40 as very sexy and underdressed (not just the women), but the women have especially unrealistic bodies that are flaunted41 all over the screen for male viewers. Mystique doesn't do much more than stand around, almost totally naked42. What's the point of that?!









1. sassy  adj. 无礼的
2. represent  v. 表现
3. angel    n. 天使
4. agent    n. 密探
5. thumb    n. 拇指
6. intelligence   n. 智力,聪明
7. media   n. 传媒
8. greasy    adj. 油腻
9. fry [frai]   n. 油炸食品
10. constantly    adv. 不断地
11. pose  n. 摆姿势
12. crime [kraim]   n. 犯罪
13. trio    n. 三人组
14. crouch    v. 蹲伏
15. dragon    n. 龙,凶暴的人
16. knight [nait]   n. 骑士
17. armor    n. 铠甲
18. bandit   n. 强盗
19. fall head over heels for  爱上
20. booksmarts  n. 来自书本的智慧
21. save the day  救急,解救
22. annoying  adj. 讨厌的
23. goody-goody [gu:di gu:di] adj. 伪善的
24. awesome   adj. 可怕、令人敬畏的
25. series   n. 连续、 系列
26. heroine    n. 女主角,女英雄
27. ancient    adj. 古代的
28. teenager    n. 青少年
29. Hun  n. 匈奴、野蛮人
30. invade   v. 侵略, 侵袭
31. warrior    n. 战士
32. guy [gai] n. 男人
33. unrealistic  adj. 不实在的
34. stuff   v. 塞满, 填充
35. bra    n. 奶罩
36. focus   v. 强调
37. sexuality    n. 性感
38. flirt    v. 调情
39. evildoer   n. 坏人
40. portray   v. 描写
41. flaunt [flaunt]   v. 炫耀
42. naked  adj. 裸体的