Choose your friend carefully|


Did you ever race into a public toilet that smelt so bad you wanted to choke1? But you were so despearte2 to go to the bathroom3 that you had no choice.
  Did you notice something? By the time you left five minutes later, it didn't smell quite so bad!
  And what if you accidentally4 locked yourself in there for an hour? You'd be saying, “What smell?”
  What's the principle here? That we get used to whatever environment we're in.
  If you don't smoke, and no one around you smokes, you never even think of smoking. But if all your friends smoke, and you hang out5 in smoky bars, you get used to it. Sooner or later you're smoking!
  If your friends tell lies, in the beginning it worries you. After a while, you get used to the fact that some people tell lies. Hang out with them long enough and you begin telling lies.
  Hang out with miserable people, you become miserable—and you think it's normal! Mix6 with critical7 people, you become critical—and you think it's normal.
  If you hang out with friends who are happy and motivated8, then you become happy and motivated—and you think that is normal.
  Don't kid yourself that you aren't affected by your friends.
  If your family or friends are negative and miserable, then you will need to find some positive, happy friends. Somewhere in your life, you must have some positive company—or the pessimists9 will drag you down10—and you won't even know it's happening. In a Nutshell11
  Every day we are affected and infected12 by the people and attitudes around us. Sometimes we need to take action—or change friends while we can still say, “Something smells around here!”


What Others Think
Rule#1: Everyone won't agree with you.
Rule#2: It's okay.
Rule#3: Everyone won't like you.
Rule#4: That's okay too. You won't die!
  Do you care what other people think? Sure! We all do. We all want other people to think we are cool, smart, attractive and fun. But everyone is not going to like you. What do you do? Get over it!


Trying Too Hard
  Have you ever wondered why everyone loves babies? It's partly because babies don't care whether you like them or not. Babies eat, scream, make noises and make smells, and they don't care.
  Babies don't try to impress people. When you are a baby, you don't have to be cool or intelligent or sexy or smart.
  Isn't it fascinating! Babies don't care what we think about them—and we love them for it.   There is something to learn from this. Be yourself. This doesn't mean you should be rude or selfish. It does mean there's such a thing as trying too hard.


Don't Be Too Desperate...
  EXAMPLE1: Mary is desperate for a boyfriend to adore13 her. While she is so frantic14, is she likely to find him? Not really. Firstly, her desperation will scare all the guys away. Secondly, while she is desperate, she is not so lovable.
  EXAMPLE2: You meet someone cute15 at a party and she tells you, “I'll call you next week.” So you don't go anywhere for a week—not even to the bathroom! You sit by the phone...and wait. Who calls? Everyone but her. When you sit around16 and wait for things, it seems they almost never happen.
      What do we learn from this? Never put your life on hold for anybody. Live your life in the present. Stay busy. Don't hold your breath for anybody or anything.
  If you are waiting for a boyfriend to call, or waiting for a response to a job application17, or a cheque in the mail, get on with your life.
  All this defies18 logical explanation—but you probably recognize this principle in your own life. While you are desperate for something or somebody, nothing happens.


Being Scared of People

  Has this ever happened to you? There's a new kid in school—we'll call him Joe.
  On Joe's first day you see him in the corridor, and you want to say, “Hello!” but you think to yourself. “I'll only say 'Hello' if he says 'Hello' first.”
  But he doesn't say “Hello” so you don't say “Hello”, and at the end of the day you say to yourself, “He's not very friendly!” Next day you decide, “I'll say 'Hello', but only if he does.” But Joe doesn't speak, so you don't.
  By the third day, you start playing games. You pretend not to notice each other. You pass him in the corridor—he pretends to look at the ceiling, you pretend to study the floor.
  After a week, you say to yourself, “I don't like him anyway.”
      Meanwhile, what was Joe thinking all the time? “I'll say 'Hello" if he says 'Hello'.” While you were scared to talk to Joe, he was scared to talk to you!
  On the outside19 people often look very cool. But nobody is as confident as they look. On the inside20 they worry about all the things you might worry about...“ Am I smart enough? Am I slim enough? Have I got a big nose?”


In a Nutshell
    You don't need to be scared of people. Half the time, they are scared of you!








1. choke  v. 窒息
2. desperate  adj. 绝望的,危急的
3. bathroom  n. (委婉语)厕所
4. accidentally adv. 偶然地,不经意地

5. hang out (俚语)经常出没
6. mix  vi. 交往
7. critical  adj. 好批评的,挑剔的
8. motivated  adj. 有动机的
9. pessimist  n. 悲观者
10. drag down  使衰弱
11. in a nutshell  简要地
12. infect  v. 对人有不良影响

13. adore  vt. 爱慕
14. frantic adj. 狂热的
15. cute  adj. 漂亮的
16. sit around 闲坐不干活
17. application  n. 申请
18. defy ] vt. 使不可能
19. on the outside  表面上
20. on the inside  内心里