正 确 说 美 语(2)


1. I am under the weather.

       这里的under the weather 不是“在天气下面”,而是与sick或ill相同,表示“不舒服”的意思。据说这句话原来是船员用语。因为天气不好波涛汹涌就会引起水手的身体不适,所以under the weather也就用来表示“身体不舒服”。
A: You don't look very well, honey.
B: I think I'm under the weather.
A: Really? I hope it's not the flu.
B: I don't know, but I have a mild fever.
A: 亲爱的,你的脸色不太好。
B: 我觉得身体不舒服。
A: 真的吗?不会是感冒了吧?
B: 不知道。但有一点发烧。

2. I think I'll call in sick today.

     如果生病了或身体不舒服需要请假,美国人通常会说 I think I'll call in sick today. 或者说Please excuse me from work today. 因为重病需要住院或长期疗养时,就可说: Could I have a sick leave for a week? 意思是“我能不能请一个星期的病假?”
A: Honey, you don't look well. Is anything the matter?
B: I'm afraid I'm coming down with a cold. I think I have a fever.
A: Really? I think you should call in sick and take a rest at home.
B: I think so, too.
A: 亲爱的,你的脸色不太好,要不要紧啊?
B: 我可能感冒了,好像发烧了。
A: 真的吗?我认为你应该请个假,在家休息一下。
B: 我也这么想。

3. It gives me the creeps.

     因恐惧或厌恶感“使人吃惊”的英语叫give (a person) the creeps. Creeps 是形容像虫子之类的东西在皮肤上爬行的感觉。
A: What do you think about the movie?
B: Geez, it was really scary. It gave me the creeps.
A: I agree. This was the most frightening movie I've ever watched.
A: 你觉得这部电影怎样?
B: 老天。吓死人了,让我全身起鸡皮疙瘩。
A: 我同意。这是我看过的最恐怖的电影了。

4. I'm all thumbs today.

     I'm all thumbs today. “我今天全都是大拇指”,这样理解对吗?仔细想想其实不难猜出它的意思。我们能随意拿住东西是因为五个手指长短不一样。如果整双手的手指都像大拇指一样,就很难拿住东西了。因此,I'm all thumbs.这句话的意思也就是“我总会掉东西。”也有“我容易出错,笨手笨脚”的意思。
——A waitress accidentally drops a spoon in a restaurant——
W: I'm sorry. I'm all thumbs today.
C: That's all right. Nobody's perfect.

5. I'm expecting company.

    你在餐厅里等朋友一起用餐,如果服务员走过来问May I take your order?(您要点菜吗?) 你就可回答I'm expecting company.或是I have company coming. 就是“还有人要来”的意思。
W: May I take your order?
C: I'm expecting company.
W: I see. I'll be back later.
客人: 还有人要来。

6. What's good here?

     一般人到餐厅吃饭通常会问“这里有什么特色菜啊?”英语就是What's good here? 或What's your specialty?
W: What would you like, sir?
A: What's good here today?
W: Pork chops with rice pilau.  [p?藜?謖l?蘅] n. 肉饭(米中加肉、蔬菜,炒后加汤煮,之后再加香料)
A: All right. I'll have it.
W: 您想吃什么呢?
A: 今天有什么特别的吗?
W: 有猪排和米饭调制的肉饭。
A: 那好。我就点这个吧。

7. This will whet your appetite.

     This will whet your appetite. 意思是“这会增加你的食欲。”使用pep up 来代替whet也可以,意思是相同的。例如This will pep up your appetite.
A: What is this?
B: It's a sea cucumber. Try it. It'll whet your appetite.
A: Thanks but I'll pass. I'm afraid it'll spoil my dinner.
A: 这是什么?
B: 是海参。你尝尝吧,可以开胃哦。
A: 谢谢,但我不想吃,我怕影响晚餐的食欲。

8. What's your favorite dish?

     Dish 既是“盘子”,也可以表示“菜”,所以只能根据当时情况判断。如在用餐时有人问你What's your favorite dish? 通常是问“你最喜欢什么菜?”
A: What's your favorite Taiwanese dish?
B: Deep-fried pork chop. What's yours?
A: Fish-ball soup is one of my favorite Taiwanese dishes.
A: 你最喜欢的台湾菜是什么?
B: 炸猪排。你呢?
A: 我最喜欢的台湾菜之一就是鱼丸汤。

9. I'm stuffed.

    Stuff 是“填塞”的意思,也用于表示“把食物塞满肚子”,即“吃饭”的意思。如果是被动式I'm stuffed. 意思是“我的肚子饱饱的”。也可以说成I'm full. 或I had my fill.
A: We have plenty of fish. Eat your fill.
B: I will.
A: Would you like more fish?
B: No, thank you. I had my fill. I'm stuffed.
A: 鱼很多,你要吃饱喔。
B: 我会的。
A: 要再吃点鱼吗?
B: 不,谢谢。我吃饱了,我的肚子撑得好饱。

10. I'm fussy about foods.

      “挑食”的英语就是fussy about foods. 这里的fussy意思是“爱挑剔的,难取悦的”。其同义字还有choosy, picky, finicky等,可以替换使用。例如:She is very fussy about foods and very picky about clothes. (她很挑食,买衣服也一样挑剔。)
A: You don't seem to enjoy your meal.
B: No, I don't.
A: I guess you are very fussy about what you eat, aren't you?
B: Yes, I am.
A: 这顿饭你好像不喜欢吃。
B: 是不大好吃。
A: 看来你很挑食,对吧?
B: 对啦。

11. Care for seconds?

      Seconds (必须加s ) 是指吃完一份以后想再来一份。如果举办聚会的女主人说Please have seconds. We have plenty of barbecued beef. 这句话是“请再吃点吧,烤肉还多着呢”的意思。
H: Care for seconds, Mr. Smith?
S: No, thank you. I'm full. This spaghetti is very good. If I hadn't had a late lunch, I'd have had more.

12. This is on the house.

     “这是免费招待的。”英语说法是This is on the house. 或 This is a free gift. 另外还有 We'll  throw this in. 等。这里的house 指营业场所。
——At a bar——
W: (giving an extra beer)This is on the house, sir.
C: Oh, thank you.
服务员: (又上一份啤酒) 这是送您的。
13. You had one too many.

     You had one too many. 就等于You are drunk. 即“你喝醉了”的意思。在美国一些酒店的墙壁上经常能看到这样的告示:Customers who had one too many are not allowed to stay on the premises. (喝醉酒的客人不得留在这里。)
——At a saloon——
C: Waiter! Give me another whisky!
W: I'm afraid you had one too many, sir.
C: No, I'm not drunk! Get me another one! On the double!

14. Can I have a doggy bag, please?

      在餐厅里,供顾客将吃剩食物带回去的袋子叫doggy bag (也可以叫doggie bag)。
D: Waitress!

W: Yes?
D: Can I have a doggy bag, please?
W: Sure.

15. Give me a refill, please.

       句子里的refill 是把空杯重新倒满的意思。当然,要说“再来一杯”,并不一定要用refill, 只说Give me one more. 也可以。
——At a bar——
C: Give me a refill, please.
B: You've had three refills already, sir.
C: Come on. Give me just one more for the road.
B: Ok, sir.

16. How would you like your steak?

      在美国,牛排料理的程度大致分成rare(三分熟), medium(五分熟), well-done (全熟) 等三种。比较讲究的人还分介于rare 和medium 中间的 medium rare (四分熟),以及medium well (七分熟)。
W: What would you like, sir?
A: A sirloin steak, please.
B: Same here.
W: How would you like your steak?
A: Medium.
B: Well-done.
A: 请给我沙朗牛排。
B: 我也一样。
A: 我要五分熟。
B: 我要全熟。