50 Things That Really Matter|人生50大信条


In my opinion, these things matter...
1. Listening enough to care and caring enough to listen. 
2. Being a dreamer but not living in a dream world.
3. Saying “It doesn’t matter” and meaning it.
4. Being a positive influence in any way possible, to as many as possible, for as long as I possibly can.
5. Balancing justice with mercy and fairness with common sense.
6. Being patient and patiently enduring.
7. Earning credibility1 instead of demanding compliance2.
8. Valuing    the   wisdom  of discernment3, the danger of pleasure without restraint4, and the joy of victory with integrity5.
9. Being worthy of trust and trusting what’s worthwhile.
10. Enjoying all things small and beautiful.
11. Words that heal6.
12. Words that help.
13. And words that encourage.
14. Forgiving myself for what I’ve done and others for what they haven’t.
15. Gaining what I desire without losing what I should gain.
16. Maintaining the passion of purpose while avoiding the pit falls of making hasty decisions with little or no discernment.
17. Watching “You’ve Got Mail” one more time.
18. Enjoying life for all it holds instead of holding out for all it has yet to become.
19. Giving  praise   without  demands   and   encouragement   without expectations.
20. Hugs.
21. Healing wounds.
22. And helping people realize their dreams.
23. Knowing when I can, can’t and shouldn’t.
24. Laughter for the sake of laughter!
25. Leading while not forgetting how to follow.
26. Honoring the honorable and avoiding the painful errors of the disgraceful.
27. Knowing the power of commitment, the rewards of self-discipline and the meaning of faith in myself and others.
28. Smiles—lots of them.
29. Learning as much as I can for as long as I can.
30. Standing for what’s right when everything’s wrong, and saying “I’m wrong” when something’s not right.
31. Letting the music play.
32. Knowing I can and seeking help when I can’t.
33. Just doing nothing at just the right time.
34. Filling my mind with all that is excellent, truthful, full of hope, and worthy of thinking about again.
35. Kisses that say “I love you” more than “I need you.”
36. Treasuring ideas for their untapped potential.
37. Caring.
38. Giving.
39. And having fun.
40. Refusing to believe lies about myself or others regardless of the source—including what I hear from within.
41. Trusting enough to see good in people without blindly trusting in the goodness of all people.
42. Success without self-absorption.
43. Showing  I   know   the    difference   between keeping the rules and listening with understanding.
44. Winning with dignity.
45. Losing with grace.
46. And learning from both.
47. Believing in all my possibilities—and yours too!
48. Appreciating the wisdom of maturity and the beauty of childhood.
49. Avoiding the bondage of bitterness, the deceit7 of wealth without character, and the vanity8 of pride without gratefulness.
50. Loving for all I’m worth because in the end it’s worth it all.


1. 认真倾听、用心感受;
2. 有梦想、讲实干;
3. 说“无所谓”的时候真的能放下;
4. 无论在什么时候、遇到什么事、和什么人在一起,总能积极向上;
5. 有理让三分、一视同仁;
6. 有耐心、讲毅力;
7. 实事求是而不是一味顺从;
8. 有自知之明、不纵欲狂欢、胜不骄;
9. 讲诚信、用人不疑;
10. 甘于家常琐事、善于发现美;
11. 懂得安慰别人;
12. 懂得点拨别人;
13. 善于鼓励别人;
14. 善待自己、宽恕待人;
15. 争取属于自己的、不在争取中迷失自我;
16. 有激情、不冲动;
17. 关注来信;
18. 活在当下、不好高骛远;
19. 赞赏时不咄咄逼人,鼓励时不期盼重重;
20. 拥抱;
21. 疗伤;
22. 帮助别人实现梦想;
23. 知道什么能做、什么不能做、什么不该做;
24. 开怀大笑;
25. 该担当时不扭捏,该服从时不叛逆;
26. 尊重他人、有容人之量;
27. 懂得一诺千金、有自制力、自信而不自负、信人而不盲从;
28. 保持笑容;
29. 学习、学习、再学习;
30. 坚守真理、勇于担当;
31. 放放音乐;
32. 知则行、不知则问;
33. 该休息的时候要休息;
34. 留住美妙的、真诚的、充满希望的、值得重温的回忆;
35. 亲吻意在表达“我爱你”而不是“我需要你";
36. 欣赏新思路;
37. 关爱他人;
38. 不断付出;
39. 享受快乐;
40. 把诋毁自我、他人的谎言拒之门外,拔除心中的谎源;
41. 信可信之人、不推而广之;
42. 不被胜利冲昏头脑;
43. 执法严而明视听;
44. 赢要光明正大;
45. 输也不失人格;
46. 无论输赢都有所得;
47. 有自信,也不轻视别人;
48. 赞赏成人的智慧和幼童的纯真;
49. 不沉沦痛苦,不利欲熏心,不浮夸忘恩;
50. 爱自己,这是一切爱的源泉。



1. credibility   n. 可靠信,确实性
2. compliance   n. 依从
3. discernment   n. 辨别,觉察
4. restraint  n. 克制
5. integrity   n. 正直
6. heal   v. 使痊愈
7. deceit  n. 欺骗,虚假
8. vanity    n. 虚荣