Patience and Self-Sacrifice |蚂蚁精神


Ant will struggle with a leaf many times his weight to get it back to the hill. Ant does not set the leaf down, or find a smaller leaf. He just keeps working until he is home. since everything ant does is for the benefit of the Queen. Ant is self-sacrificing. Also ant is dedicated to1 the colony2—a member of the construction crew.
Ant’s patience and colony dedication makes ant have the long-term view of things. Ant does not worry about tomorrow, because he knows the day after tomorrow will always come. Ant has the insight3 to see that history unfolds a little at a time and the patience to accept that he might not be around to see the end result; nevertheless, ant does his share to build that future.
Ant may be telling you to stop worrying about the trees and start looking at the forest—the forest may grow slowly, but sure makes for a nice picture once it has grown.
Ant wants you to develop trust that things are going where the Great Spirit4 wants them. Has something had you wanting an immediate solution to something that you just may not be ready to have done with? As much as you may hate hearing it, you will be provided what you need—it always seems to work that way, if you’ll just admit it to yourself.
  If you have given up hope, ant may also be telling you to have that same faith that you are worthy of having something you want—as long as you don’t feel you should have it by depriving5 someone else.
  Ant may also be warning you about someone coming in, who does not have the interests of anyone but himself in mind. You may be the target of this person. You will be best targeted through your impatience! If you were too rash6 for success, you would be dead meat7 to this vulture8.



1. dedicate  v. 奉献给
2. colony n. (生物)群体
3. insight  n. 见识
4. the Great Spirit 上帝
5. deprive  v. 剥夺
6. harsh  adj. 严厉的
7. dead meat 指“注定玩完”之意
8. vulture n. 贪婪的人