The Man Who Talked Too Much|都是嘴巴惹的祸


Fred Crane was a great talker. He liked talking more than anything else in life. It was like food and drink to him. When he went to stay in a hotel, it did not take him long to meet and talk to everyone there. Sometimes when he got on a train, no one was talking, but Fred soon made the people talk. He could not sit with people who were not talking.
But Fred has changed. In a way, he is not the same man at all now. He does not talk much these days. He never talks to people if he does not know them. Something happened to make Fred change. This story is about that.
One day last year Fred had to go on a journey to a big town in another part of England. I do not remember the name of the place but that does not matter. At the time he was buying and selling old cars. He was making a lot of money. He often carried two or three hundred pounds with him in his bag because many people like to have ready money when they sell something.
Fred went by train because there was always someone to talk to. That day he found a place with three other people, two men and a woman. One of the men, who was sitting next to the window, put a newspaper over his face as soon as the train left the station and tried to go to sleep. Fred was sitting next to him. The other man and the woman were ready to talk.
For the first part of the journey they talked about many things. Only the man next to the window did not take part. He slept with the newspaper over his face. After a time the three began to talk about money.
“Money isn’t everything,” said the man, who was a doctor. “I work to save people’s lives, not to make money. I don’t want a lot of money.”
“But a man must have money,” said Fred. “If he hasn’t money, he may do something bad because of this.”
“Rich people are often bad too,” said the woman.
“That’s very true,” said Fred, “but a poor man may become bad just because he hasn’t any money. He may steal. Money changes people’s lives.”
The doctor laughed.
“Have you ever stolen anything?” he asked Fred.
“Yes, I have. Everyone’s stolen something,” said Fred.
“What did you steal?” asked the doctor. “Did you steal something from a shop when you were a small boy?”
Fred thought, “Now I can make them talk! I’ll tell them a good story.” “No,” he answered. “It wasn’t like that. I’ll tell you about it. I was a young man at the time. I was in love with a very pretty girl. I wanted her to fall in love with me. I wanted to give her nice things but I had very little money. Then one day I saw a ring in a shop window. It was a beautiful ring, the kind of ring, that all girls like. But where could I get the money for it? I hadn’t got any money. There was only one answer. I had to steal the ring.”
“I went into the shop and asked to see a lot of things there. The ring was one of them. When the shopkeeper turned his back, I stole the ring. It wasn’t hard at all.”
“But did you give the ring to the girl?” asked the woman.
“No, I wasn’t able to give it to her,” said Fred. When I got home that night, I found a                    note from her. She didn’t want to see me again because she’s going to marry another man. So I stole the ring for nothing! But after that I began to work hard. I didn’t steal again. In five years I was rich. I could buy a hundred rings like the one that I stole. My life changed because I stole a ring. Was that a bad thing?”
“No, you’re right,” said the doctor, who wanted to tell a story too. “It was a bad thing to do but that doesn’t matter. Something like that happed1 to me too. But I wasn’t in love at the time. I was very poor and I wanted to be a doctor. Nothing mattered except this. Sometimes I didn’t have money to buy food. I didn’t care. But I had to have books. Without books I couldn’t become a doctor. My friends, who had more money than me, often give me their books to read. But I couldn’t keep them for a long time.”
“There was one big book that I had to have. All doctors have to know this book well. How did I get it? Yes, I stole it from a bookseller’s. I put it in my bag and walked out of the shop with it. I was afraid but no one saw me. Because of that book, I was able to become a doctor and so I’ve been able to save the lives of many people.”
“Life is just like that,” said Fred. He was very pleased with himself. It made him happy to hear the doctor’s story. Then he turned to the woman.
“Now what about you?” he asked. “Have you ever stolen anything?”
The woman did not answer at once.
“Yes,” she said at last, “like you I have stolen. But I stole more than once. I didn’t have to steal. My father was rich. When I asked for something, he gave it to me. I had everything. But this didn’t please me. I wanted to get things for myself. So I stole them.”
“I did this for a long time and no one caught me. Then once I went to stay with some friends of my father’s at their big country house. A lot of people were staying in the house too. That night, when they were having dinner, I went into one of the bedrooms and took some money from a man’s coat. I took about ten pounds.
“The next morning the man began to look for his money. There was a lot of trouble because he couldn’t find it. Everyone thought, ‘It’s the young girl who cleans the rooms.’ She went into the bedroom when we had dinner. No one thought of me. The owner of the house wanted to send the young girl away. I was sorry now. I had to stop him so I said, ‘Don’t send her away. I’m the thief.’ At first everyone laughed. They didn’t believe me. But they had to believe me when I showed them the money. I gave the money back to the man and left the house at once.
“After that I didn’t steal again but it was too late. No one wanted to see me. People didn’t ask me to come to their houses again. Then one day I got a letter. It was from the man whose money I stole. He asked me to see me. We met many times and last we fell in love. We married and lived happily for many years until he was killed in the war. So you see, something good came into my life because I stole.”
The man who was sitting next to the window now took the newspaper off his face. Fred wanted to make him tell a story too.
“Did you hear our stories, sir?” he said to the man. “Or were you asleep?”
The man looked at all three of them in turn. He did not have a nice face.
“Yes,” he said. “I’ve heard every word. But what must I think? I’ll tell you. I’m sitting on a train with three thieves!”
“We are not thieves,” said Fred. “We’ve all stolen something in our lives. That’s true. But we’re not thieves now.”                                                                                                      “Once a thief, always a thief,” said the man. “No, I haven’t a story to tell you. But I have something to say. I’m a policeman. My work is to catch thieves. I’ll remember your faces. One day we may meet again.”
Fred did not like this at all. But what could he say? He did not want to make trouble because the man was a policeman. His two friends did not want to talk any more. They took out their newspapers and began to read. Fred took out his newspaper too. He did not look at the policeman again.
Not long after, the train stopped at a station. The policeman got up and went out. He did not come back. Fred was glad. He put down his newspaper and said to the other two,
“I’m sorry about that. That man wasn’t at all nice. But there’s something that I must tell you.  My story about the ring wasn’t true. I told it to you because I wanted to make you talk.”
“And my story wasn’t true,” said the doctor. “I only wanted to tell a better story than you!”    The woman laughed at this.
“I wanted to tell a better story than you two men,” she said. “My story wasn’t true!”
All three of them laughed. After that they talked for the last part of the journey. Then the train came to Fred’s station. He stood up and put out his hand for his bag. But the bag was not there.                            
“Has anyone seen my bag?” he asked. “I had it with me when I got on the train. It has the letters F.C. in gold on it.”
“The bag that was up there?” asked the woman. “But that man took it when he got off the train.”
  “No, you can’t be right,” said Fred. “That was my bag.”
“But I saw him,” said the woman. “I remember the letters F. C.”
“But he was a policeman,” said Fred. “Policeman didn’t steal.”
The doctor laughed.
“No, policemen don’t steal,” he said, “but thieves do. That man wasn’t a policeman. He was a thief!”              
“The only true thief here,” said the woman. “He made us all afraid. Then he stole your bag.”
“Three hundred pounds,” said Fred. “I was going to buy a car with that money. I’ve lost three hundred pounds. And all because of those stories.”
Fred never saw his bag or the three hundred pounds again. And because of this, you understand, Fred does not tell stories any more. He takes more care. When he goes into a hotel or gets on a train, he remembers all the money that he lost because of talking.
And he keeps his mouth shut!

她没有马上回答。   “是的,”她终于开口了,“和你一样,我偷过。而且,我偷过不止一回。我偷东西并不是迫不得已。我父亲很有钱。我要什么,他就给什么。我简直无所不有。但我并不就此心满意足,我要自己获得东西。于是我就开始偷窃。
“你们看见我的包没有?”他问道,“我上车时就带在身边。包上的字母F.C. 是烫金的。”
“不对,你说得不对,” 弗雷德辩驳说,“那是我的包。”
  “他是个警察呀,” 弗雷德说,“警察不会偷东西的。”
“包里有三百英镑哩,” 弗雷德喊道,“那钱是我打算买车子的。我丢了三百英镑了。这全都怪那些故事。”