The Sea Wolf (2)|海狼 (2)


We moved to the Ghost, lived in our old rooms and cooked in the galley. Wolf Larsen remained very sick. I spoke with him and he said, “I can't hear with my right ear; I cannot move my right arm or leg. I shall never walk again.”
He continued with a strange smile. “It is too bad. I would have like to kill you first, Hump. And I thought I had that much left in me.”
“But why?” I asked.
“Oh, to be alive, to be living and doing, to be the biggest piece of dust, to eat you. But to die this way...”
“How can you explain it?” I asked. “What is the cause of your trouble?”
“The brain,” he answered. “But there is no explaining it. I was never sick in my life. Something has gone wrong with my brain. I cannot see; hearing and feeling are leaving me; I shall soon stop speaking; yet all the time I shall be here, alive, active, and powerless.”
“When you say you are here, I would say your soul is here,” I said.
“No! It simply means that certain parts of my brain are unharmed. I can remember; I can think and reason. When that goes, I go. The soul?” He laughed loudly.
  The man of him was not changed. It was the old terrible Wolf Larsen. He only existed, as he explained death, without movement.
We took the ropes from his hands and feet. But we knew not what to expect of him, what fearful thing he might do.
Three days later we had all the masts1  in place2. Wolf Larsen suffered more. He lost his voice, or he was losing it; speech would come to him and leave him, sometimes in the middle of a sentence.
During this time he invented a method of saying yes and no to us without speaking; one press of his hand for yes, two for no. It was fortunate that it was arranged, because that day his voice left him. When he wanted to speak he wrote his left hand.
Winter had arrived. In wind, rain, and snow, I worked on the rigging3 and the sails. When finally the mast was in place, Maud almost cried with joy. I said, “It was done so easily. All the work was in preparing.”
Maud suddenly looked toward the stairs. “Something is burning,” she said. Smoke came from below deck.
“The Wolf is not yet dead,” I said to myself as I ran through the smoke. I was choking by the time I arrived at Wolf Larsen's bed. He was lying motionless. I felt over and under his blankets, but there was no sign of fire.
The source of the smoke must be very close to Wolf Larsen. As I felt among his blankets, something fell on the back of my hand. It burned me, and I pulled my hand away. Then I understood. He had started a fire in the bed above him. I dragged the burning blankets from that bed and ran to the deck. Then I poured water on the bed.
Ten minutes later the smoke was gone. I allowed Maud to come below deck. Wolf Larsen wrote, “Please do not interrupt me. I am smiling. I am still a piece of the living dust, you see.”
“I am glad you are as small a piece as you are,” I said.
“Thank you,” he wrote. “But think of how much smaller I shall be before I die. And yet I am all here, Hump. I can think more clearly than ever before in my life. I am all here, and more than here.”
It was like a message from the night of the grave; this man's body had become his grave. There, his soul lived. Who could say how long it would continue to live?
Several more days were needed to prepare the Ghost to sail. Wolf Larsen changed little. On the day before we were ready to leave the island, he lost his hearing, but not before I had asked him, “Are you all there?”And the lips had answered, “Yes.”
Somewhere in that flesh lived the soul of a man, living in silence and darkness. It knew no body. It knew only itself and the quiet and the dark.
The day came for our leaving. There was nothing to keep us on Endeavor Island.
“Humphrey,” Maud said, “you did it all with your own hands.”
“But there were two other hands, two small hands,” I said, holding them in mine.
We put up the sails, and the Ghost seemed to come alive as the wind filled them. We were moving, away from the island, into safe water! The Ghost sailed toward the open sea.
Maud did not have the strength to steer the Ghost, but she cooked in the gallery, cared for Wolf Larsen, and cleaned the ship. All night I steered. Finally, I had to stop to sleep. I tied the wheel so we would not change our direction. When I went to my bed, I slept for 21 hours! When I awoke, I did not see Maud. I found her by Wolf Larsen's bed.
I looked at him, the man who had been thrown down from the top of life to the buried alive and be worse than dead. Maud looked at me and I understand.
“His life ended in the storm,” I said.
“But still, he lives,”she answered, great faith in her voice.
“He had great strength.”
“Yes,” she said. “But it no longer troubles him. He is a free soul.”
“He is a free soul surely,” I answered; and holding her hand, I led her on deck.
The storm ended that night. After breakfast the next morning, I was ready to bury Wolf Larsen. “I remember only one part of the funeral words,”I said. “And that is, ‘And the body shall be cast into the sea.’”
Maud looked at me, surprised and shocked. But the remembrance4  of something I had seen governed me, and I wanted to bury Wolf Larsen as Wolf Larsen had buried another man. The body went feet first into the sea. The weight of iron dragged it down. It was gone.

我们搬回到“魔鬼”号上,住在原来的房间里 ,在厨房里做饭。沃尔夫仍然病得很重。我跟他讲话时,他说:“我的右耳听不见了,我右手右脚都不能动弹。我再也不能走路了。”


1. mast   n. 桅杆
2. in place 准备好;归位
3. rigging    n. 绳索
4. remembrance  n. 回想,记忆