The Farmer and the Ox|农夫与牛


Before machinery was used for agriculture, farmers had to do almost everything by hand. They used simple tools with the help of some animals, mostly cattle. Therefore, an ox or  a cow in the early days was always a farmer's most intimate1  working partner.
One young farmer had an ox that was left to him by his deceased2  parents, together with a small old house and a little over twenty acres of land. Since he was single and had no brother or sister, he lived by himself. He took care of the ox, cooked for himself, and did all the other necessary household chores3 .
Every day he hoped he could finish the work in the field as early as possible, so he could have more time to go shopping. Therefore, he often whipped the ox to go faster when he arrived in the field. The frequent, unreasonable whips angered the ox. The ox was old and had done his best, yet he had to endure the cruel whippings every day. To resist the tyrannous4  treatment, the ox purposely walked more slowly instead of faster. Consequently, the animal received more whips, and the work in the field went on more slowly than the farmer expected.
The young farmer complained that he must have bad luck to own the laziest ox in the world. The ox murmured that he must have the worst fate to have the worst master in the world. They hated each other. They did not cooperate with each other, but they had to work together.
One summer afternoon, the sunshine made the field burning and caused workers to easily lose their temper. The farmer kept whipping the ox to go faster, but the ox still walked very slowly. The more the farmer whipped, the slower the ox was and the angrier they both became in the burning sunshine.
Accidentally, maybe purposely, the ox suddenly fell down upon the ground. It had never happened before, but it happened that day. The ox said to himself that he had suffered enough from the cruel master. He would rather die than endure the painful whippings. So, he closed his eyes and lay still in the field waiting for death.
The strange, unexpected incident frightened the young farmer. He had no experience to manage such an emergency. He sat down beside the dying animal. Suddenly, he realized the importance of the ox. Without the animal, how could he work in the field totally by himself? The more he thought, the more frightened he became.
Finally, he hugged5  the ox and cried loudly. After a while, he noticed that the animal was still breathing. He immediately gave the ox water to drink and some fresh grass to eat. Gradually, the ox opened his eyes. Then the ox stood up slowly. The farmer was so excited that he jumped and hugged the ox again and again. With such affectionate6  care, the ox decided to go back to work. But the farmer quitted the job for the day and took his animal home early to rest.
From that day on, the farmer would not whip his ox anymore. He would feed the ox as often as the animal desired to eat. And he would hug the ox to show his appreciation every time when he quit work and was ready to go home.
The ox was happy. He walked as fast as he could. He told himself that he was the luckiest ox in the world, for he had the best master. Meanwhile, the farmer could go home earlier every day, so he was happy, too. He told his friends he was so lucky to have such a nice ox.
This is a world of love. Hate causes only more unpleasantness or misery, and many things become worse. If you treat others with love, you will get the same in return. It works between a man and an ox. It should work among human beings, too.




1.  intimate  adj. 亲密的,密切的
2.  deceased  adj. 已故的,死去了的
3.  chore  n. 家庭杂务
4.  tyrannous adj. 专横的,残暴的
5.  hug. 拥抱,紧抱
6.  affectionate  adj. 充满深情的