We Are the Champions: The World's Most Favorite So


Queen's “We Are The Champions” has been voted the World's Favorite Song in a global survey of 700,000 music lovers. The inspirational rock anthem topped the first global search for the world's favorite music by mobile phone firm Sony Ericsson. Pop Princess Britney Spears clinched the No.2 spot with her worldwide hit “Toxic” while disco track “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson came third. The Eagles' classic song “Hotel California” followed closely. The global poll was conducted in 66 different countries—including China, Brazil, Finland, Turkey and the Philippines—and was translated into 20 languages. Dee Dutta, Corporate Vice President said: “(We are the champions)An anthem worldwide, both in music and sporting arenas, it conveys the passion music brings to everyone's life as well as proving a classic rock song is truly timeless.”

在一项全球70万乐迷参与的调查中,英国皇后乐队一曲《我们是冠军》被评为全球最受欢迎歌曲。这首鼓舞人心的摇滚歌曲在索尼-爱立信手机公司举办的首次全球调查中排名第一,流行天后布兰妮·斯皮尔斯凭其全球畅销曲《有毒》赢得第二,迈克尔·杰克逊的迪斯科曲《Billie Jean》排名第三,紧追其后的是老鹰乐队的经典歌曲《加州旅馆》。这次全球范围的投票以20种语言在66个国家进行,其中包括中国、巴西、芬兰、土耳其和菲律宾。公司副总裁迪·杜塔说:“不论在音乐领域,还是在体育界,《我们是冠军》都是一首广受全球乐迷喜爱的经典歌曲,它准确传递了音乐给我们生活带来的激情,同时也证明了一流的摇滚歌曲确实是永恒的。”