India's Marathon Boy|逆境造就小马拉松选手


India may have a new record-breaker for marathon running-and he's only three-and-half-year-old. Budhia Singh of India may become the world's youngest and fastest marathon runner. In a day, Budhia can run for seven hours at a time for a distance of 30 miles. Budhia's coach says that he will be able to break the world record when he can run for more than 56 miles at a time. This amazing running boy has, unfortunately, came from a poor family. After his father died, his mother was unable to care for him, so Budhia was sold for 800 rupees (about $20). Fortunately, he was discovered, by his coach, Biranchi Das, and now receives good care at a youth hostel. Every day, Budhia wakes up at 5:00AM and runs until noon. He then takes a break for lunch and goes out to run again around 4:00PM. India is the second most populated country in the world, but few athletes from India ever win in the Olympics. Maybe Budhia will help to change that.
