

6th HP Book Breaks Sales Records
《哈利·波特6》: 创销售新高

The new Harry Potter book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" sold an astonishing 6.9 million copies in its first 24 hours, breaking the record held by the previous release. "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" averaged better than 250,000 sales per hour, more than most books sell in a lifetime. John Grisham and Terry Pratchett, the most popular writers of adult fiction, sell no more than 20,000 books in the first week of sale.

Discovery's Successful Landing

After an extra day in space, the crew of Discovery returned to Earth, landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California early on the morning of August 9. The shuttle and its crew spent two weeks in space, most of it aboard the International Space Station. It was the first flight of NASA's space-shuttle fleet since February 2003, when the shuttle Columbia came apart while re-entering Earth's atmosphere. NASA officials delayed Discovery's return for one day because of cloudy weather in Florida, where the shuttle was supposed to land. "We're happy to be back," responded mission commander Eileen Collins. "We congratulate the whole team on a job well done." Discovery had a very busy mission in space, compared to past missions. The space shuttle docked with the International Space Station for nine days, delivering badly needed supplies and repairing damaged parts. The crew spent a lot of time testing new repair techniques on their own shuttle, conducting three different spacewalks (where astronauts exit the space shuttle to do work outside). With the shuttle and its crew safely back on firm ground, NASA is hailing this mission as a huge success.

Indians: World's Biggest Readers
印度人: 最爱读书

Indians are the world's biggest bookworms, reading on average 10.7 hours a week, twice as long as Americans, according to a new survey. The NOP World Culture Score index surveyed 30,000 people in 30 countries from December 2004 to February 2005. Analysts said the desire to read  could explain India's high figures. Time spent on reading meant fewer hours watching TV and listening to the radio-India came fourth last in both. The survey saw China take second place and the Philippines take third in average hours a week, spent reading books, newspapers and magazines.

Height of Love
爱情: 让世界之颠见证

Nepalese girl Moni Mulepati, 24, and her secret beau Pem Dorje Sherpa, 23, created a world record when they tied the knot on Mt Everest. Though married couples have been periodically climbing the 8,848m peak, this is the first time a pair ever said "I do" on the highest peak in the world.
24岁的尼泊尔女孩莫妮·穆勒帕蒂和她的神秘男友、23岁的夏尔巴青年番姆·多吉创造了一项世界纪录——在珠穆朗玛峰顶喜结良缘。 尽管不少夫妻登山爱好者曾定期攀登这座8,848米的高峰,但这还是头一次有新人在世界最高峰上向对方说“我愿意”。

Money Can't Buy You Love

A wealthy lawyer says he must be the most ugly man in the world, after having 5,000 marriage proposals turned down. Croatian lawyer, Emil Kacic, who has recorded all the failures in a little black book, said, "Money can't buy you love, at least if you have a face like mine." Dejected Kacic said, "I've tried placing all kinds of different ads, but not a single woman I've met through my adverts has accepted my offer. What else is there to believe, other than that I must be the ugliest man in the world."
一位富有的律师在5000次求婚均遭拒绝之后,认定自己是世界上最丑的人。克罗地亚的律师艾米尔·卡西克,把所有受挫经历都写在一个小小的黑色日记本里。 “钱买不来爱情,至少长得像我这样的人买不到。”灰心的卡西克说,“我曾试登过不同的征婚广告,但由此认识的单身女孩没一个接受我。我要不是世界上最丑的男人,还能是谁呢?”

Couch Potato :Always a Bad Term?

British potato farmers were taking to the streets for the expression "couch potato" to be removed from the Oxford English Dictionary for it harms the vegetable's image. The British Potato Council wants the Dictionary to replace the expression with the term "couch slouch". Kathryn Race, head of marketing at the Council, said, "We are trying to get rid of the image that potatoes are bad for you. The potato has been criticized in the past." The OED says "couch potato" started as American slang, meaning "a person who spends a great deal of time watching television."
英国种植土豆的农民涌上街头游行,强烈要求《牛津英语大词典》把短语“couch potato”从字典中拿掉,因该词有损土豆形象。英国马铃薯委员会要求用另一个词“couch slouch”来取代“couch potato”。其市场部主任凯瑟琳·莱思说:“我们试图消除这种印象:土豆是个害人精。土豆过去一直身背骂名。” 《牛津英语大词典》对这个词是如此解释的:“couch potato”出自美国俚语,代指那些“浪费太多时间看电视的人”。

Sharp Develops 'Two-Way Viewing-Angle' LCD

At last, a way to end quarrels with which TV channel to watch — without buying a second set. Sharp Corp. has developed a liquid-crystal display that shows totally different images to people viewing the screen from the left and the right. The "two-way viewing-angle LCD" goes into mass production in July and will cost roughly twice as much as a standard display. It could be used in cars so drivers can look at a map while the passenger watches a movie.

How a Fly Escapes Your Swat?

Trying to swat a fly can be among the most difficult household activities. Now scientists know why it is so hard. The fly's escape secret: It jumps rather than just trying to fly. In a new study, researchers of the California Institute of Technology were interested in how a fly's brain reacts when threatened with its life. The research revealed that flies jump directly away from the incoming objects, using both their legs and wings.
拍打苍蝇可以算是特别棘手的家务了。现在科学家明白难在何处了。苍蝇逃跑秘密:它们会在危险来临时跳走,而并不是设法飞走。在一项新的研究中,美国加州理工学院的科学家们致力于发现苍蝇在面临生命威胁时其大脑是如何反应的。 研究显示,当有目标来袭时,苍蝇用腿和翅膀直接跳开。