Maradona Owns up to 'Hand of God'| “上帝之手“惹争议 今日承


Diego Maradona acknowledged that he struck the ball with his hand in the famous “Hand of God” goal against England in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinals. Speaking on his local television talk show, Maradona called one of soccer's most controversial goals “something that just came out of me. It was a bit of mischief.” Maradona appeared to punch the ball into the net, and officials allowed the goal to stand despite protests by the English team. Argentina went on to win the 1986 quarterfinal match 2-1 and then win the World Cup.

阿根廷球星迭戈·马拉多纳终于承认, 1986年世界杯对英格兰的四分之一决赛中,他确实是用手打入了那记著名的号称“上帝之手”的进球。马拉多纳在当地电视台的脱口秀节目中谈到了这个足球史上最有争议的进球之一,他说:“确实是我做的,有点恶作剧的意思。”当时,马拉多纳似乎是用手把球打进球门,尽管英格兰队提出了抗议,裁判仍然判这个进球有效。凭借此球,阿根廷队在1986年世界杯上以2:1赢得四分之一决赛,并最后一举夺得世界杯。