80 Ways to Be Happy|快乐80招


1. Never put yourself last.
2. When you extend a helping hand to one person, be careful not to kick someone else in the teeth.
3. Always own a pair of old, faded jeans.
4. Count your blessings every day.
5. Acknowledge1 your successes along with your downfalls2.
6. Burn the candle that has been in storage for the last two years.
7. Strive3 for progress, not perfection.
8. Remember, the voice telling you that you cannot do something is always lying.
9. At least once a day sit and do nothing.
10. Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you shut out life's blessings4.
11. Celebrate all your birthdays no matter how old you get.
12. Examine your life for limitations and ask yourself why you put them there.
13. Plant a tree, pull weeds, or get your hands dirty.
14. Diminish5 your wants instead of increasing your needs.
15. Cry when you feel like it.
16. Rejoice in other people's triumphs6.
17. Don't wait for someone else to laugh or express joy.
18. Forgive  yourself  for any mistake you make, no matter how big or small.
19. Keep good company.
20. Look in the eyes of the ones you love when you are talking to them.
21. Remember that one is a whole number.
22. Walk in a summer rain shower without an umbrella.
23. Do a kind deed for someone else.
24. Keep your eyes and ears open to get the messages you need from people and events in your daily life.
25. Be patient.
26. Eat something green.
27. Walk hand and hand with truth.
28. Make  laughter  and  joy  a  greater  part of your life than anger and grief.
29. Embrace7 solitude8 instead of running from it.
30. Be zealous9, not jealous.
31. Forgive anyone you've been holding a grudge10 against.
32. Slow down and enjoy the present.
33. Walk in others' shoes before judging them.
34. Don't let other people's opinions shape who you are.
35. Say a prayer.
36. Never attribute your accomplishments to11 luck or chance.
37. Know when to say no.
38. Look at the positive side of negative situation.
39. Avoid  seeking  out other people for constant approval, because it makes them the master and you the slave.
40. Go fly a kite12.
41. Accept the things you cannot change.
42. Look inside instead of outside yourself for answers to life's problems.
43. Shield13 yourself from bad influences.
44. Stand up for what you believe in.
45. Respect the wishes of others when they say no.
46. Seize every moment and live it fully.
47. Give away or sell anything you haven't used in the past five years.
48. Never downgrade14 yourself.
49. Take responsibility for what you think, feel, and do.
50. Pamper15 yourself.
51. Never say or do anything abusive16 to a child.
52. Refrain from17 overindulging in18 food, drink, and work.
53. Finish unfinished business.
54. Be spontaneous19.
55. Think  of yourself as a survivor, not a victim.
56. Cuddle20 an animal.
57. Be open to life.
58. See  success  as  something  you already have, not something you must attain.
59. Change your attitude and your whole life will change.
60. Never turn your power over to another person.
61. When   your  heart  is  at  odds  with21 your head, follow your heart.
62. Always  remember  that  the  past  is gone forever and the future never comes.
63. Live your life according to what is right for you.
64. Acknowledge your imperfections.
65. Plant a tree and watch it grow.
66. See “friend” instead of “enemy” on the face of strangers.
67. Believe in something bigger than yourself.
68. Let the playful child within you come out.
69. Make haste slowly.
70. Accept  compliments22  from  others so you can see the truth about yourself.
71. Sit on the lawn without worrying about grass stains23.
72. Don't condemn24 yourself for your imperfections.
73. Do a humility25 check periodically26 by loving the truth about yourself.
74. Tell someone you appreciate them.
75. Never live your life according to what is right for someone else.
76. Talk less and listen more.
77. Admit your wrongdoing27 and forgive yourself for it.
78. Affirm28 all the good things about yourself.
79.Remember that all the feelings are OK.
80. Experience   the   splendor29 and awe30 of a sunset.

1. 永远不要瞧不起自己。
2. 当你帮助一个人时,小心不要伤害到另一个人。
3. 永远保持朴素本色。
4. 每天都要想着感恩。
5. 坦然对待成功与失败。
6. 把过去两年里积攒的情感释放掉。
7. 力争进步,勿求完美。
8. 切莫相信你不行。
9. 每天至少静坐一次。
10. 切勿仅因生活的痛楚紧闭心灵之门,而将生活的祝福拒之门外。
11. 每一个生日都要庆祝,无论多大年纪。
12. 查不足,问缘由。
13. 种点树,拔点草,不要让手闲着。
14. 增加需求,不如减少欲求。
15. 只要你愿意,就喊(哭)出来。
16. 为他人的成功高兴。
17. 及时表达自己的幸福与快乐。
18. 过错无论大小,都要善于原谅自己。
19. 与好人结交。
21. 切记1是一个完整的数。
22. 在夏日阵雨中漫步,不要打伞。
23. 为别人做一件好事。
24. 目常明,耳常聪,善于观察日常的人和事,获取自己所需的信息。
25. 要有耐心。
26. 吃新鲜的东西。
27. 与真理手牵手。
28. 生活应充满欢乐和笑声,而不是愤懑和忧伤。
29. 拥抱孤独,而不是躲避孤独。
30. 要有热心,不要有嫉妒心。
31. 宽待与自己有积怨的人。
32. 放慢脚步,享受现在。
35. 常祈祷。
37. 适时说不。
40. 知道何时走开。
41. 接受你不能改变的事情。
43. 保护自己不受坏影响。
44. 坚持自己的信念。
45. 当别人说"不"时,尊重他们的愿望。
46. 抓住每一分钟,充分加以利用。
47. 把过去五年里从未用过的东西卖掉或送给别人。
48. 绝不要贬低自己。
49. 对自己的所思、所感和所作所为负责。
50. 善待自己。
51. 千万不要以任何方式羞辱孩子。
52. 不要过度沉溺于吃喝或是工作。
53. 把未做完的事做完。
54. 做事要有主动性。
55. 把自己看作幸运儿,不要看作受害者。
56. 去爱一只动物。
57. 笑对人生。
58. 视成功为囊中之物,并非必得之物。
59. 改变态度,生活也随之完全改变。
60. 自己的权利绝不移交于人。
61. 情感与理智相左时,跟着情感走。
62. 切记:逝者已永逝,未来还未来。
63. 按照自己认为对的方式生活。
64. 承认自己的不完美。
65. 种一棵树,看着它成长。
66. 陌生之人,以友待之,勿以敌待之。
67. 山外有山,天外有天。
68. 让自己的童趣释放出来。
69. 稍安勿躁。
70. 接受他人的赞许,这样可以更清楚地了解自己。
71. 勿患得患失。
72. 勿苛责自己。
73. 定期做自我批评,乐于接受真实的自己。
74. 告诉别人你欣赏他们。
75. 千万不要为别人活着。
76. 少说多听。
77. 承认自己做过错事,并原谅自己。
78. 肯定自己的一切优点。
79. 记住所有的感觉都有道理。
80. 感受日落的壮观和内心油然而生的敬畏。


1. acknowledge   v. 承认
2. downfall    n. 衰败
3. strive [straiv] v. 争取,奋斗
4. blessing   n. 祝福
5. diminish    v. 减少
6. triumph    n. 胜利,成功
7. embrace    v. 拥抱
8. solitude    n. 孤独
9. zealous   adj. 热心的
10. grudge   n. 嫉妒,怨恨
11. attribute...to 归结于
12. (go) fly a kite [美口]走开,不再打扰某人
13. shield   v. 保护
14. downgrade    v. 贬低
15. pamper  v. 纵容
16. abusive    adj. 羞辱的
17. refrain from 控制;戒除
18. overindulge     in 过度放纵
19. spontaneous   adj. 自发的
20. cuddle    v. 拥抱
21. at odds with... 与…争吵,与…不和

22. compliment    n. 称赞,问候
23. stain [stein] n. 污点
24. condemn    v. 谴责
25. humility  n. 谦卑
26. periodically    adv. 定时地
27. wrongdoing n. 坏事;不道德行为
28. affirm   v. 确定
29. splendor   n. 壮观
30. awe   n. 敬畏