Web Surfing as Addictive as Coffee|上网冲浪如咖啡上瘾


Surfing the Web at work is an increasingly common habit that could be even more addictive than coffee, according to a new research into Internet usage in the office. According to the survey, 93 percent of all employees in the U.S. spend at least some of their time at work accessing the Web, up from 86 percent a year ago, and many of them are logging on for personal reasons. Among those, 52 percent said they would rather give up their morning caffeine hit than lose their Internet connection. The most popular Web sites accessed were news sites (81 percent), personal email (61 percent), online banking (58 percent), travel (56 percent) and shopping (52 percent).

一项对办公室互联网使用状况的最新研究表明,工作时间上网逐渐成为上班一族的习惯,甚至比喝咖啡更容易上瘾。调查结果表明,全美93%的员工至少部分工作时间用来上网,高于一年前的86%。而且很多人上网是因为私事。 其中,52%的接受调查者表示他们宁可放弃早上的咖啡时光,也不愿意把自己的电脑从互联网上断开。最受欢迎的站点有新闻网站(81%)、个人邮箱(61%)、网上银行(58%)及旅游(56%)和购物(52%)网站。