Bill Gates to Write a New Book|比尔·盖茨撰新书


Bill Gates, the co-founder and chairman of Microsoft Corp., is planning to write another book on how new technology will affect people and companies. Gates' last book, “Business @ at the Speed of Thought”, was published in 1996. He also wrote “The Road Ahead” in 1995 with two other authors. The world's largest software maker also announced that it would launch the next version of its Office spreadsheet, e-mail and word processing programs during the second half of 2006, the same time frame it is planning for the next version of Windows.

微软公司创始人兼总裁比尔·盖茨计划撰写一本新书,阐述未来科技对大众和企业的影响。 盖茨的上一本书《未来时速》出版于1996年。1995年,他还与另两名作者一起合写了《未来之路》。 世界最大的软件制造商同时宣布于2006年下半年发行Office电子制表软件、电子邮件以及文字处理程序的最新版本。同期,还将发行Windows操作系统的新版本。