The Child Won the Top Award at Cannes|《孩子》夺金戛纳


This year's Cannes Film Festival took place on 11th and ended on 22nd May in Lions, with celebrities visiting from around the world. But the stars of the awarding ceremony were two Belgian brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne who make short films about people's struggles in life, winning the Palme D'Or for The Child. For sheer movie fans, nothing this year topped the Cannes showing of Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith. Star Wars didn't compete at Cannes. But it broke box office history by selling more than $50 million in tickets in a single day in the United States alone.

今年的戛纳电影节于5月11-22日在里昂举行。电影节吸引了世界各地的名流,但最后的颁奖典礼上最亮的星光属于比利时的达内兄弟,他们执导的短片关注普通人的命运和抗争,并因《孩子》获得金棕榈大奖。 对那些狂热的影迷来说,本次戛纳电影节最抢眼的影片当属《星战前传3:西斯的复仇》。虽然《星战前传3》并没有在戛纳参加角逐,但它却创下了惊人的票房记录,单在美国一天上映的收入就超过5000万美元。