The Santa within Me|我心中的圣诞老人


There's nothing so beautiful as a child's dream of Santa Claus. I know; I often had that dream. But I am Jewish and my parents didn't celebrate Christmas. In my school days, I was never invited to the big Christmas party. I felt left out2 and was lonely. Christmas was everyone else's holiday, not mine. It wasn't the toys I really longed for; it was Santa Claus and a Christmas tree. So when I got married and had kids, I decided to make up for3 what I'd missed in my childhood. 
  I started with a seven-foot tree, all decked out4 with lights and little bells. At Christmas in 1956, my daughter Claire was only two years old, but her eyes sparkled as she smiled at the tree. It was the first Christmas tree in my house. It gave off warmth that filled every corner of our home and warmed my heart. Because now the party was at my house and everyone was invited.
  But still, something was missing—Santa Claus that brought children love and hope.
  When the next Christmas was coming, I bought some bright red cloth and my wife made me a costume.
  On Christmas Eve, when my wife and kids were sitting round the Christmas tree, I tried on the new dress and put on a Santa mask with white whiskers5 and hair. I couldn't believe my own eyes when I looked into the mirror. The Santa of my childhood stood in front of me. Then I went into the living room where the rest of the family were sitting and singing. My voice got deeper and richer. “Merry Christmas, everyone!”
  Claire was almost three and Danny not yet one when Santa first came to our house. They stood in awe and I saw in their eyes the fantasy and magic of what I had become.
  For two years I played Santa for my children, and I enjoyed it as much as my daughter and son. And when the third year came, the Santa in me had grown into a personality6 of his own and he wanted to do something for other children.
  One day in late November, I saw a pretty little girl dropping a letter into a mailbox and saying, “Mommy, are you sure Santa will get my letter?” My mind began to whirl7. Lots and lots of children wrote to Santa. What happened to their letters? Children who write to Santa Claus, whatever becomes of their letters? I made a phone call to the post office and was told that all those letters were stored in huge sacks in the dead-letter office.
  The following Sunday morning I found myself digging into the huge mailsacks and looking over many of the letters children had written to Santa. Most of them were give-me letters. I became a little flustered8 at the greedy demands of so many spoiled children. But the Santa in me heard a voice from inside the mail sack, and I continued searching until I came upon one letter that jarred me:
  “Dear Santa, I am an 11-year-old girl, and I have two little brothers and a baby sister. My father died last year and my mother is sick. I know there are many who are poorer than us and I want nothing for myself, but could you send us a blanket because Mommy is cold at night.”
  I could not hold back9 my tears as I read the letter. I dug deeper into those sacks. I found another eight letters like that. They were all from children of poor families. I took them with me and immediately sent each child a telegram: “I got your letter. Will be at your house on Christmas Day. Wait for me. Santa.”
  I knew I could not possibly fill all the needs of these children, but I could bring them joy and hope on the holiday.
  On Christmas Day, my wife drove me around New York City to see the children whose letters I had answered. I was in the special dress and the Santa mask. It was my first round playing Santa and bring Christmas presents to other children. It had snowed the night before and the streets were thick with fresh powder.
  “Hiya10 Santa! Hiya Santa!” Wherever I appeared, children greeted me warmly, and wherever I was, there was joy and laughter. But when Santa got ready to leave, I noticed one girl crying. I bent down and asked,
  “What's the matter?”
  “Oh! Santa,” she sobbed, “I'm so happy.”
  Tears rolled from my eyes under the mask.
  Then I went to see a Polish boy Peter, who said he felt lonely. Peter and his parents had just moved to this country and lived in a slum outside the city. With the toy bag in my hand, I walked up the steps and knocked. As I stepped into the boy's house, Peter just stood there and looked.
  “You came,” he said. “I wrote and ... you came.” It was clear that he was so surprised to see Santa in his house that he did not know what to say. When he recovered, I spoke with him about loneliness and friendship, and gave him a chemistry set and a basketball. He was overjoyed and thanked me a lot. When I was about to leave, I heard Peter's mother asked something of her husband in Polish. My parents were polish, so I speak a little and understand a lot.
  “From the North Pole,” I answered her question in Polish. She looked at me in astonishment.
  “You speak Polish?” she asked.
  “Of course,” I said. “Santa speaks all languages.” And I left them in joy and wonder.
  I enjoyed playing Santa so much that I did it for twelve years. Every year when Christmas was drawing near, I felt stirred and I knew that the Santa within me was back. I returned to the dead-letter office and to those heartbreaking letters. I made my rounds from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, and from one side of New York to the other.
  Then, at age ten, Claire handed me a little poem.
  “I know that Santa is make-believe,
  But I still love him so,
  Because he is my daddy, ho! ho! ho!”
  So now she knew. When she read the letters I gave her, she cried. Later on she became a true Santa's helper, shopping and wrapping the toys for my Christmas rounds.
  A few years ago I made my last call. I knew there were four kids in the family and came with a toy for each. The house was small and there was hardly any furniture in it. The kids had been waiting for me all day.
  “Santa will come, Mommy. He is sure to come.” Now and then they looked at my telegram and repeated this to their mother.
  As soon as I touched the door bell, the door opened and they all came up to me. They reached for my hands and held on before I could step into the house.
  “Hiya, Santa. Hiya, Santa!”
  “We just knew you would come.”
  The kids could not have been happier! Their eyes were shining with happiness and excitement.
  I took each of them on my lap11 and told them Christmas stories. Then I give them each a toy.
  All the while there was a fifth child standing in the corner, a cute12 girl with blond hair and blue eyes.
  I turned to her and asked,
  “You're not one of this family, are you?” She shook her head sadly and whispered, “No.”
  “What's your name?” I asked.
  “How old are you?”
  “Come, sit on my lap.”
  She hesitated, but then she came over.
  “Did you get any toys for Christmas?” I asked her in a soft voice.
  “No,” she says.
  I took out a big beautiful doll.
  “Do you want this doll?” I asked the little girl.
  “No.” Then she turned to hold my head in her little hands and whispered in my ear, “I'm Jewish.”
  I smiled and whispered, “I'm Jewish, too.”
  Lisa smiled back. She took the doll I handed her and ran out of the house.
  I don't know which of us was happier—Lisa, or the Santa in me?



1. Santa [口]即Santa Claus,圣诞老人
2. leave...out 忽视
3. make up for... 补偿,弥补
4. deck out 装饰,打扮
5. whisker  n. 胡须
6. personality  n. 个人;人物

7. whirl  v. 旋转,打转
8. fluster  v. 使慌张
9. hold back 阻挡;控制
10. Hiya 你好!(How are you之略)