The Most Shocking Celeb Moment of 2004|2004最震惊名人时刻


Britney Spears landed first spot in a recent poll conducted by Teen People, which determined the “Most Shocking Celeb Moment of 2004.” Britney first shocked her fans by her 55-hour wedding with childhood sweetheart Jason Alexander. Then she followed it up nine months later by marrying her dancer boyfriend Kevin Federline in a secret ceremony. The newlywed beat the likes of Paris Hilton's famous home recordings, Brandy's fake wedding, and also the shocking moment of rejected American idol entrant William Hung's brief success.

由美国杂志《Teen People》选出的“2004最震惊名人时刻”,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯“荣登”榜首。先是布兰妮与儿时玩伴亚力山大55小时内闪电结婚离婚,让她的崇拜者们大跌眼镜。9个月后,她又跟男舞伴凯文·费德林举行秘密婚礼。同时入围名单的还有帕里斯·希尔顿的“秘室光碟事件”;黑人女歌手布兰迪的“假结婚”;“一夜成名”中走音落败反而成名的美国华裔男子孔庆祥。不过这些还是一概被小甜甜婚姻闹剧的风头给盖上了。