New Video Game Recreates Kennedy Assassination|新款电


A new video game allows players to recreate the murder of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. The game “JFK Reloaded” is released on the 41st anniversary of the shooting in Dallas and has drawn sharp criticism from Kennedy's family. Kirk Ewing, who developed the game, said he understood some people would be horrified at the concept, but he insisted he and his team had nothing but respect for Kennedy and for history. Ewing said the game was designed to show there was no plot behind the assassination. “We believe there was no conspiracy,” he said. 

 一款新型电子游戏可以让玩家们模拟美国总统约翰·肯尼迪遇刺的场景。这款游戏在总统于达拉斯遇害41周年之际发行,随即招致肯尼迪家族的尖锐批评。游戏开发商科克·伊文说,他能理解一些人对这种创意的震惊,但是他坚持认为他和他的团队对肯尼迪和这段历史除了尊敬别无它意。 伊文说,设计该游戏旨在表明暗杀背后没有阴谋。他说:“我们坚信那没有什么阴谋。”