Just Another Day|新的一天又来了


Is it morning already? I rub my eyes and get up to ready1 myself for just another day.
  It's just another day...I look out my window to see the sun beaming down2, caressing3 the Earth with its golden rays. Above, white clouds float in the brilliant blue sky. I hear a cardinal4 singing to his mate as he perches5 upon my back fence. And a bed of crocus6 open their purple heads to the heavens in joyful thankfulness.
  It's just another day. My small daughter bursts into the room, her giggle7 ringing through the house as she hugs my neck tightly. Her small hand fits into mine as she pulls me to the kitchen to show me the card she has made. A stick figure8 with curly9 brown hair waves from the paper and beneath it, written in purple crayon10 are the words, “I love you, Mommy.”
  It's just another day. My son proudly presents the report he did for school. He shares with me the hopes and dreams he holds for his future. His curiosity and excitement are contagious11 as we unfold12 the limitless possibilities that lay before him. I am encouraged that no dream is beyond our reach if we want it bad13 enough.
  It's just another day. My beloved wraps his arms around me and surrounds14 me in love. I turn to look in the eyes that share my innermost feelings. What a special friend I have. Someone who loves me for who I am. Someone to lean on when I feel down. Someone to share my happiness. Someone to love.
  Yes, it is just another day. A day to enjoy God's gracious15 beauty upon this Earth. A day to kiss the cherub16 cheeks of my children, and share in their hopes and dreams. A day to learn the value of determination and hard work. A day to learn the value of judging mankind for the quality he has, not what he has not. A day to learn the value of love.
  Yes, it's just another day, I sigh. The stars dance in the velvet17 sky as a full yellow moon smiles cheerfully down. The house is quiet and still. I recall the scripture18: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice19 and be glad in it.” I pray that God will let me see “just another day!”

  新的一天又来了……。我眺望窗外,外面阳光四射, 金色的阳光抚摸着大地。仰望天空,湛蓝的天空飘着朵朵白云。我听到一只北美红雀在我后院的篱笆上对着同伴歌唱。苗圃里一朵朵藏红花欢喜地绽开紫色的花冠,向上天表示谢意。
  新的一天又来了。 小女儿兴冲冲地跑进我的房间,紧紧地搂着我的脖子,咯咯的笑声在屋子里回响。她用小手拉着我进了厨房, 向我展示她制作的慰问卡。卡上画着一个栩栩如生的披着棕色卷发的人形简笔画。卡片下方用紫色蜡笔写着几个字:“妈妈,我爱你!”


1. ready  v. (使)准备好
2. beam down  (太阳)发光,发热
3. caress  v. 抚爱
4. cardinal  n. 北美红雀
5. perch   v. 栖息
6. crocus   n. 藏红花; 英国报春花
7. giggle    n. 咯咯笑, 傻笑
8. stick figure 线条画
9. curly  adj. 卷曲的
10. crayon  n. 蜡笔
11. contagious  adj. 传染的, 会感染的
12. unfold   v. 呈现,阐明
13. bad=badly  非常,极其
14. surround  v. 包围,围绕
15. gracious   adj. 优美的
16. cherub  n. 小天使, 胖娃娃
17. velvet adj. 天鹅绒的
18. scripture   n. 经文
19. rejoice  v. 高兴, 喜悦