A Shooting Star|流星


一颗流星,用它的生命划破了漆黑的夜空,完成了最后的冲刺便消失了。周围的星星用冷眼瞧着它最后一段历程,于是低声议论起来:“真是个傻瓜,为了出风头,落得毁灭的下场。” “太不值得了,真傻呀!”

A shooting star streaked across the dark sky at night and completed his final sprint with his life, then disappeared.
  The stars around him were looking on his final result and discussing in a low voice: “How stupid he was! He was   damaged in the end in order to steal the limelight.” “It was not worth a rap. A real fool!”
  Now, on the earth there was a boy watching the shooting star. He opened his eyes widely and still tried to find the track that was streaked by the shooting star. He praised, “How beautiful is the shooting star! It didn't care about his life to lighten the dark sky.” He believes that its light has been mixed with the dawn.