小昆虫本领大(Big ability of small insects)
安德鲁?卡内基(Andrew Carnegie)
广告客户对社会有益(Advertisers perform a useful service to the community)
明星一定很赚钱(Pop stars certainly earn their money)
危险的运动应该是法律禁止的(dangerous sports should be banned by law)
晶体管收音机应禁止在公共场所(Transistor radios should be prohibited in public places)
赚取更多钱的人(earn more money the People)
应该取消所有国家的义务兵(Compulsory military service should be abolished in all countries)
童年是最幸福的(childhood is the most happy)
徒步旅行(Trekking trip)
应试教育(Exam-oriented education)
图书戏剧和电影应该审查(Books plays and films should be censored)
奖励应该根据能力(rewarded should be according to ability)
旅游有助于国家之间了解(The tourism industry will help increase mutual understanding among nations)
选择大城市(Select large cities)
二十世纪并没有摧毁阶级制度(The twentieth century did not destroy the class system)
露营是理想的度假方式(Camping vacation is an ideal way)
严格的交通法可以防止意外(stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents )
小鸟为你带来快乐(A Sandpiper To Bring You Joy)
狼和七个孩子(The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids)
我没有著作权(I Never Write Right)
兄弟的奇迹(A Brother’s Miracle)
保持关系(Relationship that Lasts)
自由飞行的风(Free to fly with the wind )
何去何从(Where Are We Heading)