真诚和友好的奖励(Genuineness and cordiality are rewarding)
能量的来源(The source of Energy)
两个态度兼职(Two Attitudes Toward Part-time Jobs)
一生的事业(A Lifelong Career)
人脑与电脑的区别(The Difference between a Brain and a Computer)
汽车是福还是祸(Motorcar a Boon or a Menace)
传媒于青少年之影响(How influentital the Media on Teens Are)
各国政府应当厉行禁烟运动(World Governments Should Conduct Serious Campaigns against Smoking)
国际商务与跨文化交际(International Business and Cross-cultural Communication)
哪种职业加班最多(What kind of career most overtime)
网络成瘾(Internet Addiction)
燃煤电厂(Coal-fired power plants)
殴打儿童(Beating children)
财富带来幸福(Wealth brings happiness)
艰苦的生活有利于儿童(Hard life is good for children)
凝聚力张力理论(Cohesion-tension Theory)
感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)
NBA的由来(NBA Origin)
钉子和篱笆(Nails and fence)
肇事的兔子(Accident rabbit)
完美的情书(Perfect Love Letter)
一见钟情(Love at First Sight)
饮酒人士挣钱多(Drinkers to earn many)