My Dream


Everyone in the world has her own goal and dream. If you ask me “What is your dream?” I will tell you proudly that I want to be an astronaut who explores outer space.
I would like to go to space because I am very interested in animals and I would like to see if there is any life there. People always say different things like there are such things as aliens or there aren’t and I would like to see for myself.
As a child, I liked to read books about the universe very much. Mum and Dad bought a lot of books and videos about the universe for me, such as Outer Space, Aliens, and so on. I never get tired of reading these books. As a result, my knowledge about outer space is increasing constantly. Now I can answer questions such as “Do human and animals exist on the Mars?” or “Who is the first person exploring outer space?”
I hope I will be an astronaut enjoying great fame both at home and abroad in the next 20 years. At that time, I will travel to outer space (Continued on page 71) (From page 31) in a special spaceship that I will design. I will call it Success, implying that exploring outer space will be a success. It will be specially made according to people’s different needs. Its outside design will be streamlined, beautiful, and practical. The spaceship will be operated automatically. Wherever you want to go, just call the name of the place by microphone and then the spaceship will take you there. When you reach the place, the spaceship will land automatically and put down the ladder. If you want to take some photos, you can just sit there and click the screen, and the spaceship will take many valuable pictures for you at your command. I believe that spaceships in the future will be what I have described.
How do you like my dream? It is quite wonderful, isn’t it? In fact, we can turn this dream into reality if only we study hard starting now and all the countries work together to grasp the technique of making this spaceship. If we do this, I believe we can change “not have” to “have” and “impossible” to “possible” because both mankind and human society are progressing!
As for being elected the leader of our country, it is everyone’s dream, including mine. However, my aspiration to be a country leader is not as strong as my dream to be an astronaut. I don’t want or expect to be a music star or a movie star. And I don’t think I can win a gold medal at the Olympics since the results of my P.E. course are not very good (although not too bad). So I will only cheer for the athletes at every Olympics. And also, I would rather not be famous. I don’t think that I could handle the attention and I value my privacy a lot.