Nim’s Island|《尼姆岛》


One is a former child actor who was nominated for an Oscar at age 14 for Taxi Driver; the other was nominated at 10 for Little Miss Sunshine. But when Jodie Foster, 45, and Abigail Breslin, 11, teamed up for the adventure film Nim’s Island—about a neurotic1 author who travel halfway around the world to help a little girl find her missing father—they learned they had even more in common. The two sat down to chat about their similarities and the strange world of child actors.
Q: Did you see a little of yourself in Abigail?
Foster: When Abigail first came, she’s a city kid just like I am. We both like Chinese food, and we like going to the movies and, you know, walking in New York. She’s a real city kid and, even in my life, I grew up with just my mom and my mom didn’t like bugs and didn’t like dirt or anything. So we never went camping. I’m not sure [Abigail] had ever just dived into the ocean.
So just things like that—to be able to start the movie and wonder how that was going to be. And then to watch Abigail just kind of blossom and turn into this little wild thing with matted2 hair and diving into the waves and picking up bugs. It was great.
Abigail: Oh yeah, I did pick up bugs. I picked up those worms in that one scene, which was not fun.
Q: Were you remembering your own early acting days, watching her?
Foster: Because I started when I was 3 years old, we’ve lived very similar lifestyles. Traveling around with our parents, kind of like a gypsy, where you go to a new town or a new country. You kind of get the lay of the land3 and you’re in your hotel room. That’s a life that I just have so much fondness for. I felt like I learned so much, and it gave me so many opportunities that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. So we’ve kind of lived that same life.
And also just the life of doing something as a professional. You have a real task, and you have to get up at 5 in the morning. You have to learn your lines and there are things that you have to accomplish, and yet within that there’s such spontaneity4 and fun. The combination of those two, I think, those are things that we’ve really shared together.
Abigail: What I like doing is being a different person. Every character is kind of different. So being able to be that person and then when you leave you’re yourself again. So it’s kind of weird5 to be like two different people, and I think that’s kind of fun.
Q: Abigail, what did you learn about acting from watching Jodie?
Abigail: My mom always told me the best way to learn is to watch and kind of learn from people. So that’s what, watching her so believe the character that she is when she is doing it, it kind of helped me be Nim, because I was watching how much she believed that she is Alexandra.
Foster: I don’t think Abby needs much mentoring6. She’s got a great head on her shoulders. It would be a big mistake if she were thinking about her career. The tough time is adolescence7. I never want to be 15 again—that was rotten. I wouldn’t want to go back there and be in the public eye.
Q: During filming, did you two compare notes8 about being child stars?
Foster: Everybody asks us that because it’s odd for everybody. People remember me when I was your age and assume that must be a topic of conversation. I don’t think we ever mentioned it.
Abigail: We talked about movies, food and TV. And the Dog Whisperer9! My dog needs a dog whisperer.
Q: Jodie, you went to Yale. Abigail, do you want to go to college?
Abigail: Yeah, I don’t want to have a career until after college. I either want to do this or be a veterinarian10.
Foster: College is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. I never tell my kids, “You need an education.” I always say,“Don’t miss out, because you’ll never have more fun.”
Q: One theme in the film is overcoming fear, so what are your biggest fears?
Abigail: I’m really afraid of heights, but getting on the zip line [a pulley11 suspended12 below a cable; gravity pulls rider downhill] like 10 times [for several scenes in Nim’s], I’m not as afraid as I was.
Foster:  I don’t like snakes. Of course, Abigail didn’t tell me there were death adder13 snakes on Hinchinbrook Island [where Nim’s was shot] until like three days ago.
Abigail: It’s probably good you didn’t know.
Foster: I would have been running in the other direction! When I was a kid, my brothers and sisters used to [tease] me and go,“There are snakes in your bed!”  I’m still traumatized14.



1. neurotic  adj. 神经质的
2. matted   adj. 结成一团的
3. get the lay of the land 了解情况
4. spontaneity   n. 即兴发挥
5. weird  adj. 怪异的

6. mentor  v. 教导,指导
7. adolescence   n. 青少年(期)
8. compare notes 交换意见
9. 狗语者,指可以跟狗沟通的人。
10. veterinarian   n. 兽医
11. pulley  n. 滑车
12. suspend   v. 悬挂
13. death adder 致命毒蛇
14. traumatize   v. 使受创伤
15. scrublands   n. 灌木丛
16. cue   v. 示意
17. flipper   n. 鳍状肢
18. wing   v. 飞行
19. pelican   n. 鹈鹕
20. bulky   adj. 沉重的
21. cuddle   v. 拥着,抱着
22. snooze  v. 假寐,打盹儿
23. pup  n. 幼兽
24. forage   v. 搜寻
25. scooter    n. 单脚滑行车
26. styrofoam    n. 塑料泡沫
27. choppy   adj. 波涛起伏的