The Prince and the Pauper (I)|王子与贫儿(1)


In the city of London, on an autumn day in the 16th century, a boy was born to a poor family named Canty, who did not want him. On the same day, another English child was born to a rich family named Tudor. All England wanted Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales. There was no talk about the other baby, Tom Canty, except among his family of paupers.
The Canty family lived in Offal Court in a small, rickety2  house packed full of poor families. Beatings were as common as hunger in Tom's life. Yet he was not unhappy. A good old priest, whom the king had turned out of his house, taught the children right ways secretly. Father Andrew also taught Tom a little Latin, and how to read and write.
Tom read the priest's old books and, as he grew, he dreamed of a princely life. One day he wandered far from home toward the king's palace. Poor ragged Tom approached, moving slowly past the guards as a handsome boy dressed in satin3  and silk appeared through the bars.
A soldier hurled4  Tom back into the gaping crowd. “Mind your manners, beggar!”
The crowd jeered, but the prince sprang to the gate. “Let him in!”
You should have heard the crowd shout, “Long live the Prince of Wales!”
He led Tom inside the palace and asked many questions about his life. “In summer,” Tom said, “we boys swim in the river and dive and tumble. We wallow in the mud, sir—”
“Oh, if I could revel in the mud once, I'd give up the crown!”
“And if I could wear your clothes, sir—just once—”
So said, it was done. The Prince of Wales and the Prince of Paupers put on each other's clothes and stood side by side before a great mirror. “You have the same hair, eyes, voice, height, even the same face as I,” Edward said. He glanced at Tom's bruised5 hand. “Do not go until I come back.”
He snatched up something from a table, put it away, and flew out the door across the palace grounds. “Open the gate!” Edward demanded. The soldier shoved him into the road. “I am the Prince of Wales! You shall hang for laying your hand on me!”
“Be off, rubbish!”the soldier said angrily.
The crowd closed around the little prince and hustled him down the road. “Way for his Highness!” Then followed such a thing as England never saw before—the heir to the throne set upon by dogs.
His body bruised and his hands bleeding, Edward drifted deep into a maze6  of alleys. Out of the darkness came a huge ruffian7. “If I do not break all the bones in your body, I am not John Canty,” he said, collaring the boy.
The prince twisted loose. “Take me to the king, my father.”
The man stared down stupefied. “Gone stark mad,” he gasped, and collared the prince again.
Meanwhile, Tom Canty was still admiring himself in the mirror. But as the door opened and “The Lady Jane Grey” was announced, Tom fell to his knees and held up his hands, pleading for mercy. “I am only Tom Canty of Offal Court,” he stammered.
“Oh, my lord, on your knees? To me, your cousin!” She fled away in fright, and Tom sank in despair. “There is no hope,” he murmured.
News of the prince's madness sped through the palace. The king summoned the boy to his side. “Do not break my heart; say you know your ailing8  father.”
“You are my lord the king. Your majesty, I was born a pauper. It is only by accident that I am here.”
The king was silent awhile. Then he asked Tom a question in Latin, and Tom answered lamely9.
“His mind is diseased, but not entirely. My son is mad, but he is my son—and mad or sane10, he shall reign!” the king declared.
All the while, the rightful prince had been dragged into Offal Court with a noisy mob at his heels11. One man pleaded for the captive. But John Canty crashed his club hard on the meddler's12  head, and the dim form fell to the ground.
In Canty's house with the door closed against outsiders, Edward found the rest of Tom's family. Twin girls and a woman cowered against the wall.
“Show me what your begging got this time,” John Canty said.
Canty's broad palm sent the boy staggering into the arms of Tom's mother. Something about his manner was lacking in Tom Canty, mad or sane. What if this boy were not her son after all? Oh, but he must be!
Several raps came at the door just then, and a voice said, “Canty, do you know who it was you killed? The priest, Father Andrew!”
Scarcely five minutes later, the household was out in the street running for their lives. Tom's father held the prince by the wrist and hurried him through the darkness toward London Bridge. “Mind your tongue13, I tell you!” he said.

“让我看看这次你讨到了什么?” 约翰·康蒂问。



1. 马克·吐温(1835-1910),美国著名小说家,幽默作家,是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人。
2. rickety adj. 摇摇欲坠的

3. satin n. 绸缎
4. hurl  v. 猛推
5. bruised adj.  伤痕累累的
bruise  n. 擦伤
6. maze [meiz] n. 曲径;迷宫
7. ruffian  n. 流氓,暴徒
8. ailing  adj. 有病痛的
9. lamely [leimli] adv. 不完整地
10. sane [sein] adj. 健全的
11. at one's heels 紧随其后
12. meddler  n. 爱管闲事的人
13. mind sb's tongue 不要胡说八道