

Q: Can you tell us the most challenging aspects when directing films like “Cars? ”
John Lasseter: The most challenging part of these films really, is creating the story. At Pixar we always believe the story is without question the most important part of the film. You can make something look as beautiful or as interesting as possible, but if the story is not compelling11, it's not keeping people on the edge of their seat12  waiting to see what happens next.
Q: Some magazine also pointed out that there are lots of animated films on the market. Do you agree?
John: No! This year, there may be from 12 to 16 animated films coming out. How many weekends do we have? In fact, I'm very excited about how many are coming out. The mediums13  being worked with are different. Like hand-drawn animation, puppet14  animation, clay15 animation and computer animation. Seeing the artistic visions of all these different directors and creators, that's what's exciting.

◆Richard Petty on “Cars”
Richard Petty is a seven-time NASCAR16  championship winner. He lends his voice and his driving experience to “Cars”.

Q: What was the first car you ever owned? Richard: The first car I ever owned was a 56 Dodge. My dad had raced it and we took it and made a road car out of it.
Q: Did you give Pixar any advice as to how the story should include NASCAR?
Richard: I didn't get involved in the storyline. When John Lasseter gave me the storyline and asked if I would be interested in doing any voice overs17, I said, “OK, sounds good.”
Q: What do you think this movie is going to do for NASCAR? Could this be an area where you capture kids for the sport?
Richard: The race fans are going to eat it up18. But if you don't know anything about racing you'll go to the movies to see it because you like cars.
Q: The film is a story about a rookie who gets lost in the fame and popularity19  of being a celebrity. Do you see that with the young drivers of today?
Richard: Yeah. What happens is you have somebody who is doing well on a Saturday night in front of 1500 or 2000 people. You go to NASCAR and it's 200,000 people. You're famous overnight. A lot of times it's hard to make that adjustment.






1. animated adj. 动画制作的
2. Pixar 皮卡斯公司,成立于1986年。现已成长为一家超过600人的大型动画公司,共赢得13个奥斯卡奖,一次金球奖和一次葛莱美奖。
3. cocky   adj. 骄傲的,过于自信的
4. rookie  n. 新手
5. radiator  n. 暖气装置
6. offbeat   adj. 反传统的
7. snazzy   adj. 时髦的,漂亮的
8. rusty  adj. 生锈的,迟钝的
9. tow truck 拖车
10. trophy  n. 战利品,奖品
11. compelling  adj. 引人注目的
12. on the edge of one's seat 焦急地等待
13. medium   n. 媒介
14. puppet  n. 木偶
15. clay [klei] n. 粘土
16. National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing  美国全国汽车比赛协会,于1948年成立于美国南部,是全球最著名的赛车运动之一。
17. voice over 画外音
18. eat up 沉迷于,全盘接受,健谈

19. popularity   n. 声望
20. tribute   n. 礼物,颂词
21. animator   n. 动画绘制者
22. gesture   n. 姿势
23. tilt [tilt] v. 使倾斜,使倾向
24. suspension system 悬挂系统
    suspension n. 吊,悬挂
25. spring   n. 弹簧
26. shock absorber 减震器
27. mechanic  n. 机械工,机修工
28. have it 优越,有利
29. headlight   n. 前灯
30. windshield  n. 挡风玻璃
31. awkward   adj. 笨拙的
32. fin [fin] n. 鳍,汽车尾部突起的装饰物
33. buzz   v. 作嗡嗡声
34. sarge  n. 警官