Behind the Scenes of SPIDER - MAN 2 |走进《蜘蛛侠Ⅱ》幕后


You probably remember how geeky1 Peter Parker was in the original Spider-Man — until he was bitten by a mutant2 spider. After that, he was cool and he also had lots of spider skills. Now in Spider-Man 2, Peter keeps up his spidey powers to save the world. But which real arachnids3 does Spider-Man take after4? We caught the truth about the movie!
  Doc Ock's four 13-foot “tentacles5” were controlled remotely6 by 16 puppeteers7.
  Both Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst have signed on for  the  next  Spider-Man sequel8, scheduled for a May 2007 release.
  Costume       designers created 35 identical Spider-Man suits for the movie.
  For    one   scene, the 76-year-old actress who played Aunt May was secured with wires and pulled down a seven-story building at 25 miles an hour.

  As Spider-Man and creepy Doc Ock are locked in a fierce9 battle, a wall starts crashing down——right on top of an innocent bystander10. “With all his strength, Spidey holds up the wall long enough for the person to escape,” coproducer Grant Curtis says. Spiders have an amazing ability to pull or carry objects much larger than they are. But tarantulas11, the world's largest spiders, are especially good weight lifters. “Some of my tarantulas can use their bodies to push the heavy lids off their cages,” says spider expert Robert G.Breene Ⅲ.
  When Spider-Man chases fleeing burglars12, he uses his strong silk to swing from building to building. Almost all spiders use their silk to travel through the air, but the golden silk orb weaver13 has some of the strongest. (Some tests show that the silk is stronger than the fibers in bulletproof vests14!) Young golden silk spiderlings15 are also skilled at “ballooning16” to help them travel. They release silk into the wind, which pulls the silk——and the spider——through the air like a kite, sometimes for thousands of miles.


  Spider-Man has to be stealthy to stalk18 Doc Ock. The villain's19 tentacle-like limbs20 could crush Spidey if he sees the superhero coming. So Spider-Man is patient. He sneaks up, then waits. Sneaks up, waits. Then he strikes! Even with their short legs, jumping spiders can pounce21 up to ten times the length of their bodies to capture prey22. (That'd be like you jumping 45 feet!) “The born jumper can hunt like a cat or lion, sneaking up behind its prey,”  Breene says.


  Deep in conversation with his old classmate Mary Jane, Peter Parker doesn't hear the street noise outside. But just in time, he senses that a car is about to crash through a window and yanks23 Mary Jane to safety. Spiders also can sense movement to alert them to nearby danger (or dinner). Sensitive hairs on their legs help them feel vibrations24 on the ground, in the air, or on their webs. The sixspotted fishing spider even feels for water vibrations to let it know when a tasty insect is close.



  Atop a towering skyscraper, Spider-Man is able to see without squinting25 that a truck is thundering out of control toward two kids. Thanks to his powerful peepers, Spidey can quickly swing into rescue mode. Like Spider-Man, many hunting spiders—ones that pounce on prey instead of snaring26 them in a web—have great eyesight. Two of the eight eyes of the regal27 jumper can even focus in 3-D, just like human eyes.



  蜘蛛侠追赶逃窜的窃贼时,他会借助坚固的蛛丝从一幢楼跳到另一幢楼。现实中,几乎所有的蜘蛛都是借助蛛丝在空中旅行的,而名为“金丝球”的蜘蛛蛛丝强度最大(实验证明它的强度比防弹背心里的纤维还要高!) 。这种蜘蛛的幼蛛都能熟练地在空中飘浮旅行。它们把丝吐进风中,风扯着丝飞,蜘蛛也就“飞”了起来,就像风筝一样——此招有时竟能帮它们“飞”行数千英里!

  追踪章鱼博士时,蜘蛛侠必须格外小心。要是被这绿妖发现了,就可能被它那触手一般的四肢摧毁,因此蜘蛛侠必须有耐心。他悄悄靠近,然后等待;再悄悄靠近些,再等……然后出击!现实中,虽然蜘蛛的腿很短,但它们能跃起相当于身长十倍那么高,去捕获猎物(这相当于你跳过45英尺高!)。 布林恩说道:“这些天生的跳高健将,能像猫或狮子那样偷袭猎物。”





1. geeky . (俚) 令人讨厌的
2. mutant  adj. 基因突变的
3. arachnid  n. 蜘蛛类节肢动物
4. take after 像
5. tentacle  n. (动物)触须;触手
6. remotely  adv. 远远地
7. puppeteer  n. 操纵木偶的人
8. sequel ] n. 续集
9. fierce  adj. 激烈的
10. bystander  n. 旁观者
11. tarantula  n. 狼蛛

12. burglar  n. 窃贼
13. golden  silk orb weaver 生活在美国东南部及佛罗里达州的一种蜘蛛
14. bulletproof  vest 防弹背心
15. spiderling n. 幼蛛
16. ballooning  n. (蜘蛛)随风飘荡
17. sneak attack 偷袭
18. stalk  v. 偷偷接近
19. villain n. 坏人
20. limb [lim] n. 肢
21. pounce [pauns] v. 突袭
22. prey [prei] n. 猎物
23. yank  v. 猛拉

24. vibration  n. 振动,颤动
25. squint  v. 斜视
26. snare  v. 诱捕
27. regal jumper “跳蛛王”,一种跳蛛名, 生活于美佛罗里达州