书籍是最宝贵的财富(Books are the Most Precious Fortune)
海洋与天空之间(Between the Sea and the Sky)
窗外的树(The Trees Outside my Window)
爱和喜欢的区别(The Difference between Love and Like )
当风吹来的时候(When The Wind Blows )
茶和中国的茶文化(Tea and the Tea Culture of China)
妈妈的微笑(Mom’s Smile)
让我们为爱默默祈祷(Let’s Pray for Love silently )
让我说声谢谢(Let Me Say “Thank You”)
每一天都是上帝的恩赐(Every day is a gift from God)
讽刺与怜悯(Irony and Pity)
太阳(The Sun)
父亲给我的礼物(The Present My Father Gave Me)
成功的秘诀(The Secret of Success)
心痛的花费(At the Cost of Pain)
一个乞丐(A Beggar)
交各种朋友生活更精彩(Friends of All Types Make Life Colorful)
商店里的一次食物斗争(Food fight in a store)
世界变得越来越小(The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller)
希望永不破灭(Hope Never Dies)
工作重要还是家庭重要(Career or Family: which is more important?)
世界各国的国庆节(Various countries National Day)
中秋节的传说(The legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival)
关爱大自然(Caring For Nature)
大学英语的学习(University English learning)