An Unforgettable day

2014-5-9 16:58:46 [大学英语作文]
  By providence smiled on me that day. The two kids missed my car by less than an inch. Imagine what would have happened if I had hit them? They would have been killed instantly. I would have been charged with manslaughter and thrown into jail. My career would be over before it even got started. The kind of inhumane treatment I would receive from fellow inmate, I could only guess but hate to imagine. I will never be a whole person again even if I were to be released early for good behavior. My life would be over. Even if I had a good lawyer that could have gotten me off, I would have carried that guilt in my mind for the rest of my life.
       Even today, thirty-six years later, the memory of that day is still fresh on my mind. I have my lucky star to thank for having both parties gotten off unscathed.


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