My Idea of Family Planning-我对家庭计划的理念

2014-5-9 16:58:07 [大学英语作文]
g, the parents, less troubled by economic problems, can devote themselves to the care and upbringing of their children and prepare them for their future careers. Moreover, the harmonious atmosphere created by family planning will make family members feel secure and thrice blessed. Second, family planning can help children become more mature, both mentally and physically. Once the children growing up in a small family begin to receive education, they will know how to better behave themselves and do well in school. Finally, stronger and more prosperous. There is no denying the fact that the population problem is getting more and more serious in Taiwan where the population this state of affairs continues without any remedial measures to fight it, some day the fruit of our economic growth will all be lost as a result of the ever-rising birth rate.


If wish to achieve another economic miracle, we must promote family planning as best we can; otherwise, many social problems and crimes of violence would continue to plague our society. The following is my idea of family planning. First; we must urge our health authorities to find ways to instruct our compatriots in birth control and let them understand the benefit of family planning. Second, we must develop effective contraceptives suited for our people. As we know, birth rates in the West are lower than ours and that is because the Westerners` birth control techniques are much more advanced and have little side effects and they like to use them. Third, we must urge our government to establish laws governing family planning and penalize those who break any of such laws.  These laws, however, should not be draconian and the steps taken to enforce them must be gradual as we are not in a totalitarian Communist sta