I am a little adventurer(3000字)

2015-7-20 17:22:19 [初中一年级英语作文]
good plan in advance all forgotten, when we are overwhelmed, suddenly heard a burst of footsteps downstairs, I think, will not be a ghost!

  With footsteps slowly increase, we are also more and more nervous, the last is the key to the sound of the twist lock, when open the door the moment, we are freaked out, is not a ghost, is property administrator downstairs, he saw us, also shocked, asked how we again on this, we told him, the experience of things after he listen, laugh, laugh, he said, do you really believe in ghosts! ?

  I defy spirit, then an angry retort, otherwise how box suddenly collapsed, don't open the door is open? His explanation says, it is because not all the year round box, a mouse, a mouse accidentally put the box to get, because the Windows open the door, there is wind, the door gave way, and this door lock is not very good, by the way, at the same time, also locked up, I today to repair this lock is to, because someone wants to rent the house. Oh, it was so, we take a tumble. Can't help to childish behavior to laugh just now.

  This is my first \"haunted house\" small adventure, though no significant findings, but also interesting!


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