Have been struggling(2000字)

2015-6-24 22:20:12 [初中一年级英语作文]

  In the future, not to far, have been staring at the front. Everybody wants to have a good future, but most people and can withstand rough, so few people do a successful example, some people do the foil, some people made a cautionary tale, the good will never belong to the most people in the future. Because we are ordinary people, so only in view of the common people, a lot of people, and wish to be remarkable, however extraordinary, and want to figure a quiet. Mr. Feng's dream a day trip can be seen. The people around said, don't always want to the past, the past want to much, it will be difficult to get ahead; Don't always want to the future, think more, will also lose today. We can do is to grasp today, we have been in the struggle, for a better tomorrow, today's struggle with resilience.

  Line, just say so much, are thinking about how to end this thing, the people around said: "let's listen to a song" "what?" "Karen mok cloudy." The content of the song no sad feeling, is likely to be in line with the mood now.

  Whenever the life to, we have been struggling.


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